My foster cousin's story
15 years, 1 month & 17 days ago
3rd Jan 2010 19:22One day my family and my aunt we seeing my new cousin and their new newphew. He name was Nathan, my aunt got the idea of fostering a child because she couldn't have her own. So she did, she got an 18 month old child.(I can't say her name because of security reasons) This 18 month old was forced into a playpen all day (she used to hate playpens but she's now okay) and found her because the neighbors saw her eating out of the trash. They also believe she was sexually abused because she would also say "Owie"a lot and she wouldn't go near boys.The father was in his 40's while her mother was 18. My aunt said that the girl would pull her ears,hair,and eyebrows when stressed. Before my aunt she went to another foster home but was placed with my aunt because they had too many foster children. That's three homes in two weeks! 0.0 The girl was blonde but now she's three and her hair is brown now. Her mother got pregant with twins, a boy and a girl. They are now 18 months.
Repost this if you have a heart.Please!