15 years & 3 months ago
22nd Nov 2009 12:18Post what you guys want~
Christmas present list:
Dawny [x] Gift: Green Poera Potion and Sketch Costume
Lugia [x] Gift: 1 million MP
Lee [x] Gift: Red Zoink Potion & a lot of Zoink Balloons
Chantelle [x] Gift: Staff of the Fire Fairy
Jello [x] Gift: Vampire Sightings Book, Scrolls Book, Living in Prison Guide, Sand Book, Rotten Book, Polar Book, Midnight Book
Sara [x] Gift: Villain Female Costume
Sloth [x] Gift: Villain Male Costume
Xusha [ ] Gift: Crystals
note: I just get friend's the things that are on their wishlist unless they ask for something (:
Chantelle - Balloon Costume & Killer Costume
Sara - Easter Costume & Cowboy Costume
Lugia - Easter Costume/Easter Bunny/Easter Pearl/Pink DNA
Sloth - Encyclopedia Z
Lee - Encyclopedia A
^ Thank you!
Birthday reminders:
Dawny - October 16th
Lugia - January 2nd
You were in the top 250 highest Birthday Hunt winners. You have been given a Cake Trading Card!
clicked about 2,128 cakes.