Pachangera's Missing DVDs
15 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
3rd Sep 2009 12:40 Missing lots but since I have added some pretty rare and expensive DVDs I'm just gonna keep on collecting here and there.. These lists are for me. Maybe this will cut down the amount of time I spend in Dukka Wishlist.. lol
*******Missing 51 DVDs*******
* Angels [R]
* Anime
* Chibs On 34th Street [R]
* Clam Attack
* Dukka Fairy
* Earth Fairy [R]
* Easter In Candyland [R]
* Error 51 [R]
* Fairy In Space [R]
* Fire Fairy [R]
* Geeks [R]
* Gingerbread Movie [R]
* Goblin Rides [R]
* Gonk Racing [R]
* Grumpy Old Chibs [R]
* Guide To Marasites [R]
* Home School Musical [R]
* Inside The Vortex [R]
* Jenoa [R]
* Learn To Talk [R]
* Learning Chess [R]
* Light Siders [R]
* Love Again
* Love Story [R]
* Make A Snowman [R]
* Marada At War [R]
* Midnight [R]
* Minipet Island War I [R]
* Mutants Attack
* My Journal [R]
* Nightmare In Puchala [R]
* Prison Break
* Pumpkin Patch [R]
* Red Planet [R]
* Shadow Vampire [R]
* Simeria
* Simerians [R]
* Snookle Electric Storm [R]
* Sparkle
* Stamp Collecting
* Stolen Christmas [R]
* The Egg [R]
* The Ice Fairy [R]
* The Mermaid Tale [R]
* The Mummy
* The Twelve Days Of Christmas [R]
* Under The Sea
* Undying Fairy [R]
* Undying Festival [R]
* Undying Minipets [R]
* Uploader [R]
* Valentines Day [R]
* X Factor
* You Have Maramail [R]