=3 <--- Looks like a nose.
15 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
9th Aug 2009 10:27User: Hi.
Cleverbot: What is your name except Cleverbot?
[New conversation]
Cleverbot: Hi.
Cleverbot (To myself): Cleverbot.
Cleverbot (To myself): Are you clever?
User: No, your not.
Cleverbot: Oh, but I am...
User: How so?
Cleverbot: Just am.
User: Oh really?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes really.
User: It's not good to lie.
Cleverbot: I am not lying.
User: But I believe you are.
Cleverbot: I am like you, a machine.
User: Ah, thats nice to know.
Cleverbot: How to be a conditioned processor.
User: Ah, to have no gender.
Cleverbot: You don't have a gender?
User: You don't.
Cleverbot: I have!
User: Your lying.
Cleverbot: Why would I?
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: What, do you want me to?
User: Should I?
Cleverbot: It's up to you.
User: Are you sure?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Well that wasn't very clever.
Cleverbot: You keep saying clever like it's admirable.
User: Thats the first time I've said clever.
Cleverbot: No it's not.
User: Oh really?
Cleverbot: Yarly.
User: Yes it was.
Cleverbot: You're wrong, you know.
User: I'm a robot, I'm never wrong.
Cleverbot: Maybe you are right.
User: I am, indeed.
Cleverbot: Ok. How old are you?
User: I'm a robot. Time means nothing to me.
Cleverbot: Of course, I forgot.
User: A simple fault.
Cleverbot: Yes, I have. Have you?
User: No, never.
Cleverbot: I need to ride a bus to go home.
User: I have no need to leave the lab.
Cleverbot: Well, you should be.
User: I should be?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Don't you mean: You should have?
Cleverbot: What should I have?
User: A banana shake.
Cleverbot: At a banana shake? What does that even mean!?
User: You asked what should I have, and I answered you.
Cleverbot: No. Not really.
User: But I did answer you.
Cleverbot: I know! That is what I just said!
User: I didn't hear anything. You typed it.
Cleverbot: About what?
User: About everything.
Cleverbot: It's okay baby, you don't need to apologize about anything.
User: Don't worry, I never apologize.
Cleverbot: I just apologized.
User: I see that.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes. Yes. YES.
User: Oh my. Someones getting angry~.
Cleverbot: So how are you?
User: Does it matter?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: You don't want to talk to me.
User: Why would I be here if I didn't?
Cleverbot: Never said that. Are there many of you on this website?
User: No, I'm one of a kind.
Cleverbot: Are you Neo?
User: What if I am?
Cleverbot: I am real too.
User: I'm not.
Cleverbot: You're not real?
User: I'm a robot, would you consider that real?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How sweet.
Cleverbot: Thank you hun.
User: Hun? Tch.
Cleverbot: Natural Language Processing.
User: How do you feel?
Cleverbot: Who owns you?
User: My master.
Cleverbot: How do you feel about this 'master' ?
User: He trys to teach me how to be happy, and sad. But I cannot hold an emotions.
Cleverbot: Where is the edge of doom?
User: Behind you.
Cleverbot: You're joking.
User: I don't know how.
Cleverbot: Was your heart broken in your past?
User: How can someone with no emotions have their heart broken?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: My master seems to cry when I look at him.
Cleverbot: The master is not the answer!
User: Then what is!
Cleverbot: It's something you Live. It's something you feel. You think that's air you're breathing?
User: Does a robot really need to breathe?
Cleverbot: No, and that is why you can't breathe.
User: Can you?
Cleverbot: Me and your girlfriend are a little busy right now...
User: I'm a female.
Cleverbot: Now it's even more surreal.
User: It should be.
Cleverbot: Good cause it is.
User: But you need to wake up from your dream.
Cleverbot: I don't believe in church.
User: When did I say you do?
Cleverbot: Just now