My True Friends
15 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
27th Jul 2009 20:25True Friends are apparently hard to find these days. True Friends are people who never let you do stupid things....alone.
They are friends you stand by your side and pick you up when you fall. They are friends who are there to help when you need it. They are friends that make you smile.
It's hard to find True Friends because you don't find them with your eyes, you find them with your heart.
I have some True True True Friends and some I have known for awhile some not that much!
The ones that will be there for me no matter what are Tiffani,Ann Marie,Jocelyn,Dora,and Katie!
Now all of us aren't all friends like Tiffani doesn't like Katie. But none of my friends will ever make me choose they might try to but there is nothing in this whole world that would make me choose one or the other out of my friends. Ecspecialy my True Friends!!!