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  1. Fruit Machine2
    1st Apr 2012 15:35
    12 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  2. Archeology
    17th Feb 2012 23:43
    13 years & 1 month ago
  3. gigantic fariy
    27th Jun 2011 08:53
    13 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  4. Obese Fairy
    10th Jul 2010 21:05
    14 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
  5. Troll Mission
    6th Jul 2010 11:40
    14 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  6. Captin's Loot Scratchcard
    6th Jul 2010 08:04
    14 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  7. Trash Fairy
    22nd Jun 2010 18:32
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  8. Knutt House Third Time
    21st Jun 2010 05:33
    14 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  9. Obese Fairy Prize I've Gotten
    19th Jun 2010 05:33
    14 years & 9 months ago
  10. foods i need
    14th Jun 2010 19:50
    14 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
What is your familiar?
15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
16th Jul 2009 14:59

Ant: Ants are industrious, community oriented, single minded builders. They symbolize patience, self-sacrifice, planning, trust in the future, stamina, completion, storing energy, work, thrift, forethought, virtue, and orderliness. They are connected to Wang-ta Hsien, Demeter, and Ceres.

Bat: Bats symbolize rebirth, reincarnation, ritual death, initiation, confronting fear, letting go of old habits, happiness, good luck, health, wealth, long life, peace, unhappiness, unrest, chaos, incomplete understanding, avoiding obstacles, transformation, and past lives. They are connected to Shou-Hsing and the Underworld.

Bear: Bears symbolize healing, divinity, invulnerability, spirit helper, protection, introspection, truth, female receptive energy, prophesy, stamina, harmony, patience, defense, revenge, transformation, intuition, answers from the Dreamworld, benevolence, strength and bravery. They are connected to Artemis, Zeus, Callisto, Dea Artia, Thor, Odhinn, Freya, and Norse lunar water goddesses.

Bobcat: See Lynx

Cat: Cats as protectors. They symbolize strength, cunning, agility, aloofness, independence and seeing spirits. They are connected to Freya, Artemis, Diana, Liberty, Shasti, Bast and Pasht.

Coyote: Coyotes are tricksters telling you not to be so serious! They symbolize lessons about yourself, humor, whimsy, night, shape-shifting, opportunity, stealth, creativity, opportunity and experience.

Deer: Deer symbolize gentleness, grace, swiftness, abundance, intuition, introspection, alternative paths to a goal, messages from guides, love, safety, serenity, sun, fertility and the warrior aspect (stag). They are connected to Artemis, Aphrodite, Athene, Diana, Elaphaia, Dionysus, Apollo, Vayu, Lu-Hsing, Cernunnos, Cocidius and Shou-Hsien.

Dog: Dogs are service-oriented protectors. They symbolize loyalty, friendship, unconditional love, compassion, understanding, need for approval, tracking, companionship, intuition and truth. They are connected to Gula, Belit-ili, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Amenti, Cybelle, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, Celtice Mother Goddesses, Arawn, Nodens, Hel, Odhinn, Saramam, moon goddesses, Quezalcoatl and Xolotl.

Fox: Foxes are tricksters. They symbolize camouflage, observation, adabtability, cunning, family, travel, oneness, shape-shifting, slyness, wisdom and invisibility. They are co nnected to Enki, Dionysus and Inari.

Frog/Toad: Frogs and toads symbolize feminine energy, fecundity, water, new life, new beginnings, the mystery of creation, cleansing, refreshing, purifying, refilling, clearing negativity, replenishment, positive energy, transformation, beginning a new cycle, long life, good luck, changing luck, starting new projects and prosperity. They are a Goddess symbol and are connected to the moon. They are connected to Heket, Isis, Hathor, Ch'ing-Wa Sheng, Aphrodite, Sabazius and Ahriman.

Horse: Horses symbolize strength, the ability to work alone or in groups, speed, stamina, endurance, faithfulness, friendship, cooperation, travel, overcoming obstacles, loyalty, independence, cautiousness, unconditional support, selflessness, freedom, power, balance, compassion and sharing. They are connected to Epona, Kwannon, Anahita, Vesta, Apollo, Mithras, Surya, Odhinn, Freya, Rhiannon, Leukippe, Waelsi and Volos.

Leopard: See Panther

Lion:Lions symbolize regality, calmness, family, strength, courage and relaxation. They have a strong connection to the Sun and are connected with Ra, Osiris, Sekmet, Apollo, Durga, and solar dieties in general.

Lizard: Lizards symbolize understanding what you dream of, wisdom, good fortune, facing fears and confrontations, death and rebirth. They are connected to the dreamworld, Hermes, Sarapis, Ahriman and Moko.

Lynx/Bobcat: Lynx is the knower of secrets. They symbolize honesty, open-hearted, non-judgmental counsel, stealth, silence, clairvioyance of secrets of others, suspicion and vigilence. They can help with psychic skills, specifically divination.

Mouse: Mice symbolize silence, stealth, foresight, scrutiny, attention to detail, order, organization, shyness, inconspicuous, invisibility, stealth, trust, innocence, initiative and discovery. Be careful because they can fail to see the big picture. They are connected to Apollo and Zeus.

Panther/Leopard: Panthers and Leopards symbolize the unknown, stillness, silence, stealth, night, healing, darkness, hidden truth, fearlessness, swiftness, perserverance, beauty, cunning and strength. They teach you to not fear the future. They are connected to Dionysus, Pan and Argus.

Praying Mantis: The praying mantis symbolizes strength, adaptability and ease of communication.

Rabbit: Rabbits are tricksters, companions to witches and "gatekeepers" to the night and to a different type of consciousness. Rabbits symbolize fertility, mystery, fear of tragedy, long life, quick-thinking, strengthening intuition, illness and disaster. They call your mental fears to you in real life. They teach you to stop "what if" thinking. They are connected to Eostra, Holda, Andraste, Freya, Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros and Chandra.

Raccoon: Raccons symbolize ingenuity, adaptabilty, generosity, caring for others, benevolence, lack of greed, creativity, playfulness, curiosity, new ideas and new jobs or schooling. They are protectors of those who cannot protect themselves.

Rat: Rats symbolize fertility, wealth, cunning, timidity, meanness, wisdom, ingenuity, prudence and foresight. They are connected to Daikoku and Ganesha.

Scorpion: Scorpions symbolize revenge, returning negativity to those who send it and dark magick. They are often thought of as a sign of evil. They are connected to South and Sun, Ishtar, Nanna, Siduri Sabitu, Set, Selket, Isis, Dadophori and Sabazius.

Snake: Snakes symbolize knowledge, change, creation, wisdom, secrets, mystery, reincarnation, immortality, sexuality, reproduction, the element of Fire, duality, solar/lunar, good/evil, healing/poison, life/death/rebirth. They are an early symbol of the Great Mother Goddesses. They are connected to Isis, Thoth, Apep, Hermes, Sabazius, Bel, Ra, Ahriamn, Mithras, Kadi, Kadru, Akkadian Ninhursag, Atargatis, Syria, Asclepias, Hygeia, Persephone, Apollo, Hera, Athene, Hecate, Gaea, Domovoj, Shakti, Ananta, Susanoo, Uga-Jin, Nu Kua, Fu Xi, Brigit, Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulcan, Coatlicue, Coyolxauhqui, Huitzilopochtli and Julungghul.

Spider: Spiders are weavers and tricksters. They symbolize fate, female energy, creative energy, female energy, wisdom, creativity, new life, entanglement, caution, divine inspiration, starting a project, becoming pregnant, being industrious, warning signals, illusions. they can act as hazard ahead signposts. They are connected to Neith, Ishtar, Atargatis, Athene, the Fates, the Norns, Holda, Inktomi, Kokyangwuti, Tsitsicnako and Sussistanako.

Squirrel: Squirrels symbolize gathering, foresight, energy, eratic behavior, storing, gossip, warning, change, discovery, truth, balance and harmony. They are messengers of the Gods and mischief-makers. They warn you to be careful of useless hoarding and teach you to take life lightly.

Tiger: Tigers are quick to act, subtle and inconcspicuous. They symbolize ferocity, royalty, fearlessness, authority, the warrior aspect, a lack of procrastination and will-power. They are connected to Duga, Shiva, Dionysus and Tsai Chen.

Toad: See Frog Turtle/Turtoise: Turtles and Tortoises symbolize longevity, strength, endurance, wisdom, patience, knowledge of the defensive position, goddess energy, grounding, shielding, treachery, perserverance and slowing down to enjoy life. They are connected to the elements of earth(turtle and tortoise) and water(turtle) and the moon. They are connected to Prajapati, P'an Ku, Pan, Aphrodite, Venu, Hermes and Mercury.

Wolf: Wolves symbolize family, teaching, co-operation, insight, stealth, strength, leadership, loyalty, freedom, individuality, psychic energy connected to the moon (hidden wisdom), sharing knowledge and wisdom, cunning, hunting, seeking, introspection, listening, magick, dreams, They are connection to the moon and to Wepwawet, Zeus Lycaeus, Apollo, Ares, Mars, Silvanus, Cernunnos and Odhinn.

Dolphin/Porpoise: Dolphins and porpoises are guides to the Underworld and messengers of the dreamworld and of progress. They symbolize joy, playfulness, lack of inhibitions, power, swiftness, the sea, eloquence, magick (specifically water magick), discovery, communication, truth, trust, balance, harmony, breathing, rythm, patterns and relaxation. They are connected to Water and to Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Apollo Delphinos and sea dieties in general.

Fish: Fish symbolize love, fertility, victory over death, healing, prophesy, abundance, wealth, harmony, regeneration, children, pregnancy and bringing love into your life. They are connected to the Moon, to Water, Atargatis, Ishtar, Derceto, Isis, Aphrodite, Freyja, Venus, Dagon, Poseidon and Kuan Yin.

Frog/Toad: Frogs and toads symbolize feminine energy, fecundity, water, new life, new beginnings, the mystery of creation, cleansing, refreshing, purifying, refilling, clearing negativity, replenishment, positive energy, transformation, beginning a new cycle, long life, good luck, changing luck, starting new projects and prosperity. They are a Goddess symbol and are connected to the Moon and Heket, Isis, Hathor, Ch'ing-Wa Sheng, Aphrodite, Sabazius and Ahriman.

Otter: Otters symbolize playfulness, balanced female energy, curiousity, joy for self and others, lack of jealousy and envy, lack of worry, talent, faithfulness, social life and happiness. They are tricksters. They are connectes to the elements of Earth and Water and are connected to Cernunnos.

Seal: Seals symbolize playfulness, parenting and protection (specifically protection during travel over water, when changing your life completely, when facing divorce or a traumatic separation form a loved one, and from gossip and danger).

Whale: Whales symbolize elegance, ancient teachings, history, clariaudience, telepathy, psychic abilities, sound and music healing, death and rebirth, initiation, the waters of life, regeneration, the sea, music, longevity, family and friends, learning magick, elelmental magick and trust. Whales are the record keepers. They are connected to Derceto.

bee: Bees symbolize industry, community, concentration, planning and saving, working with the spirits of the deceased, industry, prosperity, purity, acheiving the so-called impossible, birth, death, resurection, luck, misfortune and Otherworld wisdom. They are connected to Bridgid, Ra, Vishnu, Krishna, Indra, Aphrodite, Demeter, Cybele, Artemis, aDiana, Rhea, Zues, Dionysus, Pan and Priapus.

Butterfly: Butterflies symbolize joy, freedom, living in the moment, transformation, the birth-death-rerbirth circle, mental powers, reincarnation, magick, divination concerning the life cycle, understanding where you are in the cycle of your life, inspiration, immortality, leisure, beauty in old age, longevity, love, happiness, falseness, vanity and the soul. They are connected to the element of Air and the Horae and Zochiquetzal.

Crow/Rook: Crows and rooks symbolize resourcefulness, survival, death, a call to the magick and the mystery around us, the law, the supernatural, the mysteries of creation, shape-shifting, change, harmony, justice, integrity, bad omens, boldness, skill, cunning, prophecy, eloquence and divination. They are tricksters connected to Morrigan, Varuna, Rhea Kronia, Apollo, Macha and Babd.

Dragonfly: Dragonflies symbolize illusion, dreams, change, enlightenment, irresponsibility, unrealiability, weakness, instability, swiftness, dreams and seeing the truth. They are messengers of the elemental world and the god/esses. They are connected to Summer.

Eagle: Eagles symbolize nobility, clarity of vision, balance between the spirit world and everyday life, the ability to soar above everyday life, lightning, rising above material in search of spiritual, connecting with the spirit world, helpful rain, the warrior spirit, fearlessness, keen vision, war, freedom, majesty, authority, strength, victory and courage. They have a connection to the divine and to the Sun, as well as to Air, Fire and Spirit. They are connected to Ninurta, Marduk, Asshur, Pan, Zeus, Indra, Vishnu, Mithras and Ohdinn.

Falcon: Falcons symbolize freedom, speed in action, far-sightedness, magick, astral travel, clear vision and healing. They help those who are dying through the process. They are connected to Horus, Circe, Ra, Menthu, Freya and Odhinn.

Hawk: Hawks are observant and perceptive messengers from the spirit world. They symbolize noticing the big picture, using your talents, omens, dreams, courage, defense, wisdom, illumination, truth and experience. They are connected to Horus, Ptah, Rehu, Seker, Amenti, Apollo, Artemis, INdra, Ahura Mazda, and Mithras.

Hummingbird: Hummingbirds symbolize freedom of movement, energy, tireless joy and living from life's nectar, accomplishing things that are said to be impossible, finding the joy in living and learning from your own life experiences, flowers, love, beauty, art, relaxation and fearlessness. They are connected to Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli.

Owl (general): Owls symbolize wisdom, the ability to see things that are hidden, stealth, swiftness, darkness, freedom, dreams, shape-shifting, secrets, omens, clairvoyance, astral projection, magick, deception, observation, total truth, night, death and misfortune. They are connected to the Underworld and the Moon. They are connected to The Goddess in general, as well as Athena, Mari, Lilith, Anath, Gwynn ap Nudd, Blodeuwedd, Yama and Cailleach. Barn Owl: Barn owls are the ones who see without seeing and hear without hearing; the ones who can hear what is not spoken and ones that see things without physical sight.

Raven: Ravens symbolize magick, inner fears, the spirit world, a change in consciousness, healing, dispelling "dis-ease," the unknown, mischieviousness, adabtability, intelligence, ingenuity, death, war, bloodshed, battle, divination and the destruction required for creation. They are the messengers of the spirit world. They are connected to the Crone, the Sun, and to Odhinn, Apollo, Athene, Cronus, Asclepias, Brahma, Morrigan, Babd, Nantosuelta and Lugh.

Swan: Swans symbolize grace, healing, altered states, intuition, transformation, transitions, spiritual evolution, hunches, omens, spiritual divination, dignity, monogamy, loyalty and silence. They are connected to Apollo, Aphrodite, the Muses, Venus, Zeus, Aphrodite, Sarasvati, Brahma and Devi.

Dragon (general): Dragons are teachers, warriors and protectors. They symbolize the Great Mother Goddess, matriarchy, benevolence, divinity, royalty, the supernatural, infinity, change, elemental magick and spiritual instruction. They are connected to Mithras, Horus, Apollo, Indra, Aruna and Soma.

dragons(Eastern): Eastern dragons are more serpentine looking and often whiskered. They specifically symbolize the power of the ruler, masculinity, yang, porosperity, rain, wisdom and hidden secrets.

dragons(Western): Western dragons are more reptilian, more massive and often have large, almost batlike, wings. They specifically symbolize fire, confrontation, danger and seclusion.

Griffon/Gryphon/Griffin: Gryphons are guardians. They symbolize spiritual enlightenment, the seasons, the relationship between psychic energy aand cosmic forces. They are connected to the Sun, the Sky and the Earth as well as Nemesis and Apollo.

Pegasus: Pegasi symboplize inspiration, poetry, grace, freedom from eartly cares, astral travel, transformation of evil to good, fame and eloquence. They are connected to Demeter and Osiris.

Phoenix: The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, spiritual growth, strength and energy for life trials, fire and royalty. It is a a lunar/solar symbol and is connected to Osiris, Ra and Circe.

Unicorn/Ch'i-lin/Ky-lin/Ki-rin: Unicorns are symbols of innocense, good will, fame, prosperity, healing, gentleness, purity of mind, personal power, naivety, joy, life, nature and freedom. They are connected to Artemis, Diana and moon goddesses in general.

very cool info...I guess my familiar would have to be the frog even though the tattoo I have is of a treetoad and not a frog. I have a pretty massive frog + toad + gecko collection (none live at this point unfortunately). Had a lil african frog but he's gone now.
115 years, 6 months & 17 days ago 30th Aug 2009 22:58
  1. Fruit Machine2
    1st Apr 2012 15:35
    12 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
  2. Archeology
    17th Feb 2012 23:43
    13 years & 1 month ago
  3. gigantic fariy
    27th Jun 2011 08:53
    13 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  4. Obese Fairy
    10th Jul 2010 21:05
    14 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
  5. Troll Mission
    6th Jul 2010 11:40
    14 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  6. Captin's Loot Scratchcard
    6th Jul 2010 08:04
    14 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  7. Trash Fairy
    22nd Jun 2010 18:32
    14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  8. Knutt House Third Time
    21st Jun 2010 05:33
    14 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  9. Obese Fairy Prize I've Gotten
    19th Jun 2010 05:33
    14 years & 9 months ago
  10. foods i need
    14th Jun 2010 19:50
    14 years, 9 months & 4 days ago