Dear Staff,
15 years, 9 months & 1 day ago
19th May 2009 12:53I do play marapets on several computers. Sometimes my friend comes over and she uses my computer to play mara, and I do have a sister. If you do need to know their users for what ever reason I dont have a problem sharing that.
What I use to get on mara:
My sister's computer- very rare
My mom's laptop- sometimes
My dad's laptop- sometimes/rare
My itouch- like 50% of the time since im usually too lazy to turn on my computer
My computer- ehm a lot =]
Library- very very rare
Wii, ps3- very rare
Some random computer- sometimes o.O
For the most part I use my computer and itouch but when im on vacation or at a friend's house or something I usually have some kind of technology with me that has internet so yah I dont share my account. My parent dont even know my password so unless i'm getting hacked or something i'm the only one that gets on this account. ^^
Since this is a public thing some of you might be wondering why im very detailed about these things and its because of an incident that happened like a year ago. So I hope I dont get falsely accused again. <.<