Infamous , Join Today !

16 years & 18 days ago
1st Mar 2009 11:06Join Infamous Today!
we are (at the moment) a new club, BUT we will WOW you! :]
we have a great hard working staff, I as being co-owner, know that me and staff will do our hardest to make the club awesome for you all !
now your probably wondering what's in store for you.. well! let me list off.
-We have an Adoption Agency.
-A very Active Chat
-Birthday Presents
-Again, A VERY hard working staff
-very skilled artists, to make siggies for YOU to use, :]
-Very friendly members.
And as soon as we get our website up we are going to include SOO many fun activities, such as, Drawing contests, writing contests, i'm thinking some 'name the song', and So much more !
* We are planning a very big event, of Dream pet helpers. (where we all vote on the most devoted member who will -by the help of us- get their dream pet ! (and this event takes place every few months, or so)
PLUS! We will be having many givaways, and much, much more !!
(marauploads isn't cooperating so we don't have our great layout, and siggies up and working but we will SOON!