>lots of random things about Christin<
16 years & 8 days ago
8th Feb 2009 17:42okay, so here are some random facts about me =]
You joined Marapets on September 19, 2007, 9:19 pm.
my age is for me to know and you to find out.
my birthday is August 10th.
i am a female.
on here, im called Noelle or Christin.
i was homeschooled. now i'm in college.
Jesus Christ is my best Friend.
my favorite colors are purple and silver.
i am from the United States.
i love horses
i love long road trips.
I love chick-fil-a.
i enjoy photography very much.
i play the piano.
baseball is my favorite sport.
i love the old disney channel movies/shows.
football doesnt make sense to me.
i dont really like the ocean.
i LOVE flying.
i love petting zoos.
and just zoos in general
i really really really really really really really really really like the Olympics.