16 years & 22 days ago
26th Jan 2009 17:55Who would you like more? Just by the names say, Jessica or Jaime.... Well that is my problem.
It all started when Jessica started at our school. she had known one of the people and got to hand with her most of the time. It was Gym class, last period. She came up to me and started to ask me some personal question (Who I like and stuff) And I was just like sure..... So I walked over to my friends and told them all the stuff we talked about because they asked. And then they brought up who Jessica liked. She heard her name in the convo and freaked out at me saying I shouldn't talk about her behind her back So then she starts talking about me behind My back. Then one of my friends, Sam we'll call her. Over heard her and her friends talking about a plan...OUCH. So we hget my mom to pick us up
hehe. We really don't have a reason or fighting, but she starts making a whole bunch of stuff up. Then I go on face book, and makes a hate group for me
, and I join and take over
. Now the talking has downed, and her friends like me more then her, haha. I just really would like to know why she don't like me, cuz she hated me way befor the whole talking thing. Keep you posted. Cya.