No more!
16 years & 22 days ago
25th Jan 2009 06:51I used to love mara, and was completely loyal to it. but not anymore. here is a letter for you staff and ian, for all of suffering mara. enjoy. i have no issue voicing my opinion, no matter what the consequences. i feel we artists and coders must take a stand, staff notice us!
Dear ian, staff, and all of mara,
Thankyou staff, for your ignorance when it comes to graphic stealers.
now you all know why i've quit taking requests, sorry to all of you whom were expecting something. I'd just like to thank staff, for all they've done to NOT fix this problem.
my level of annoyance is beyond over. i can't take it anymore. i'm taking a stand for all of those whom have been cheated, and theived out of their own work. this includes art and html coding. anything to do with this.
you all willl no longer see any of my requests boards on graphics forum.
you may only see me asking a rating, but too bad for you little thieves i'm putting big time water mark ALL over it.
if staff had actually done something, part of mara could've been saved, we'd have atleast a bit more daily members if not more. members would be soooo much more loyal IF and only IF they could trust mara, and it's staff. ian, you should have a graphics mod. but instead you ignore this part.
i personally believe graphics and html are a HUGE parts of the site. infact, what is a petsite without it's artists, mods, and coders? nothing. just a boring, stupid site with nothing. although mara has good quality art, you've lost your loyal artist and coders on the forum. who's gonna help the people who need good layout for clubs? no one. who's gonna supply the art for your profiles and signatures ((as well as layout)). no one. and do you know why? cause they'll all be off somewhere else, where art and coding is appreciated and where staff take action towards thieves.
you'd be lucky to see these members again. and soon enough, i shall bid my farewell to mara. i will be off to places more respecting of my art, other artists, and coders.
once again, thankyou mara, staff, and ian for not dealing with our issues.
and i do know how busy you are ian, but staff? sure they answer mails, but don't fix glitches like you. they couldn't take a little time out to deal with thieves? ofcourse not, cause it doesn't matter. congrats ian, i'm sure this is completely what you intended of mara? correct?
if not, you would've taken action by not and not stood there just ignoring our support tickets.
i'd like to thank all you scammer and thieves too, you must be soooo proud of yourselves. =D
have fun with your thieving lives and ways, have fun stealing and making more members frustrated. to the point that they must quit the site they once loved, just to protect their art.
feel free to post, vent, and voice your opinion.
even drop me a mail to talk about this issue, if you wish.