Silhouette. (The newest blog-story)

16 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
14th Jan 2009 16:46---CHAPTER 1- THE SILHOUTTE---
The dawn sky was painted with yellow, pink, and a rich colour of dark, navy blue. The air was fresh; like when after it rains. It's the most significant part of the day; It was the new beginning.
Almost as if it was planned, a silent silhouette jumped out of the trees. She ran through the forest, just slightly sprinting past the trees. The person was almost invincible; she was sprinting faster than any olympic runner, and jumped as high as a frog, of course, in a normal human scale.
The stars in the sky were still out. Above, they almost seemed to spell out a name. That name, shown in the sky was Soleil. Although the stars where fading, you could catch the slightest glimpse of the name in the air.
The silhouette was now more clear. Yes, she was still sprinting, but behind the hooded jacket was brown hair, and eyes as blue as the June sky. She was actually quite beautiful, although, like most girls, she found many things wrong with herself.
Soleil slowed to catch her breath. Her teeth had the slightest points. Her eyes, which used to be a light blue, are now as dark as the navy blue in the sky. She grunted and walked to the closest rock.
"Why...didn't I.....just....let" Soleil said to herself. She cursed and sat down on the rock. Soleil grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it up in the air. The dirt, now dust, covered Soleil in a brown fog. "If I run to the town of Ri-Nortai," Soleil paused to catch her breath. "I can change my name, and live peacefully, and have a new start," Soleil looked up into the sky. "Just like today..." Soleil bit her cheek, and got up from the rock.
The sky was slowly turning into light blue and yellow colours, and, just like the stars, Soleil's dark blue eyes started to fade back into her regular colour. Soleil was a vampire. Of course, not like the ones you've heard about. She doesn't have long fangs, and she doesn't even drink human blood. She has superhuman strength, and incredible speed, but other than that, she's pretty normal.
She started sprinting, once again, and finally reached a stream. The water was absolutely amazing; it was crystal clear, but had the slightest tint of blue. Soleil got to her knees and scooped up water from the stream. "Ahhhh..." She said in releif. Soleil examined her surroundings. She closed her eyes, concentrating. Vampires also had photographic memory. Just before she left the institute of "not normal" people (Asylum) she sneaked a peek of the trail to Ri-Nortai.
"Yes...." Soleil said, opening her eyes. "If I stay at this pace, I'll be at Ri-Nortai tonight," A shiver went down Soleil's spine. "That is, of course, if the night hunters don't catch me." Night hunters aren't what you think they are. They aren't a bunch of guys dressed in black with stakes and garlic. They work for the Asylum, and they have Night Hunters all the way until Ri-Nortai.
Others thought Soleil was a freak. With her skinny jeans and black shirt, she didn't look strange. But if you got to know her, you'd know she isn't exactly the same as everyone else. She gets angry very fast, and usually talks to spirits. So, like everything else, people labeled her as a "freak". But she isn't. She's a vampire.
"Okay..." Soleil said, and closed her eyes once more. "If I remember right...then the Night Hunters don't come out until 8:00pm," Soleil cursed again. "I won't be there until-" Soleil turned around. And to her surprise, there was a kid. Or...a teenager. "I heard you." The kid said. "Listen kid." Soleil pursed her lips. "I'm telling you right now. You better leave. And never look back." Soleil snapped. "B-But I can help." He said. Soleil examined the boy. "...How?" She said.
"Well..." The boy said, "I'm known pretty well around these parts..." He hesitated, "And no one dares to ask questions to could..." He paused, some how looking for the correct word, "Look like you're going with me?" He grimaced. "You expect me to believe some stranger on the street?" She scowled.
"Well nothing."
"Listen, kid, even if you are well known around these parts..." Soleil said, "How is this plan supposed to work?"
"I told you. You could look like your going with me."
The boy shined through the surronding area; his skin was olive, and he had dark --- almost black --- brown eyes. His hair was brown with caramel streaks, and had side bangs that covered his eyes. To sum it up, he was pretty attractive.
He flashed a smile at Soleil, obviously waiting for her answer.
"What's your name, anyways?"
"You first," he joked.
"Fine....My name is-"
Soleil was shocked. "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I saw how you looked at the sky earlier and-"
"You were spying on me?" She raged.
"Yes, but-"
Soleil scowled.
"Anyways..." He said, obviously not caring about Soleil's response, "My name is Aaron." He flashed another smile. His teeth were perfect; straight and white.
"Oh, hi Aaron..." Soleil said, her voice trailing off.
"...So is it a yes?" Aaron said, smiling.
Soleil sighed, "Well, what other options do I have?"
"Hey, that's the spirit." Aaron said sarcasticly.
Soleil bit her lip to keep from yelling at Aaron.
"Well," Aaron muttered, "We better get going..."
"I guess you're right..." Soleil sighed.
---CHAPTER 3- ???---
"I still don't see how we're going to do this without the," Soleil's voice was barely a whisper now. "Night Hunters...catching us..." Soleil turned to Aaron and gave him a grave look.
"I said it'd be alright..." He clutched the pockets of his pants. "I promise."
(I'll add more to chapter 3 later)
Sorry, but that's the end for now.
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