Carly studied the baby now looking at her eyes,"Beautiful baby." She sounded very disappointed to admit that my child was beautiful. My father sat on the couch beside us. "Is there anything I can get you tylenol maybe?" She smiled," No really im ok." My mother studied her and added,"NO your not." Jordan just looked up at me and linked her fingers in mine. " I was anorex.ic when I was a tenager and it left me with kidney problems. I have pills for it, but they never really help completely." His mother nodded," Isn't that dangerous for you and when you were pregnant?" Jordan nodded and smiled,"Yes it was, but we got through it." He said as she smiled down at Albany why was sucking on her pendant. The room fell silent as the baby began to cry. Jordan held her tightly against her chest and rocked the baby back and forth the child was perfect. Jordan covered her mouth," Car rides leave me feeling nauses sometimes." My mother laughed and agreed , but studied Jordan as she got up to get the baby a drink,"Alex is she pregnant?" Me and my father choked on our coffee,"W-What no mom." She whispered,"Are you sure Alex because she has that glow and it would be really dangerous if she was she was lucky nothing happened with Alba the risk increases with more children when the mother is anorex.ic. Was I blurted, was anorex.ic."