In twilight the movie version I at fist thought kristan stewart wasn't rite for the role of Bella Swan. As I watched the movie I soon realized how great of a job she did!! So i think she was perfect now. One thing i thought funny was that one of the main resons Robert Paterson wanted the role as edward cullen was because kristan tryed for bella. in the end he admits that he preposed to her 4 times!!! and because they got so close in the making of the movie during one of the kissing seens they got carried away!!! instead of kristan sitting on the bed they ended up on the floor!!!!!!!!! even though those to are great actors My favorite was Ashley Greene with the role of alice cullen. I think she captured everything from the peppy aditude to the hair!!!!!! When I saw a picture of her before I couldn't beleave she cut her hair from waste low to almost ear high!!!! I must admit it looks good both ways but she looks better with the toasted brown hair rather then the dark black. I love the way she flows! it's just like shes "dancing" across the screen as it says in the book. But I think all the actors did a great job and stay the same through the other movies or it will just ruin the picture so i hope they decide to stay!
srry. i mispelled a few things on acsident. hope you can read it.
115 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 6th Jan 2009 17:47