I exactly know how that feels. I had a friend who i thought was my best friend and we always talked and even stay up till 3 in the morning talk on the phone and she was fun. Now she doesnt talk to me anymore and thinks shes popular. And alot of people do think appearance means everything to a person when it doesnt. I admit I dont look nice myself. And my other friend who later on thought was my best friend thinks the world revolves around her and she lies about alot of things. And all my friends who are girls think about is boys, relationships, then later on break up with their bfs then get new ones. Its so sick! Good thing Im waiting to get a bf when Im older and wiser. Theres 1 guy whos in my school that likes me but I just said I wanted to be friends. But I know how it feels almost everyone thinks they are popular, pretty, cute, and show offs and are mean to others. And its sad that the people who arent like that have to suffer from them.