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STAFF: My household member Superjedy and I share IP addresses and we log in on our phone and computer.


MARAMAIL/MARATALK: Have the courtesy to reply. Mail me if I do not respond via MT as I sometimes do not get notification
PETS: For trades, best to ask; I do lend
SHOP: See shop description
GALLERY: See gallery description
TRADES: Open to negotiations
FRIEND REQUESTS: Only familiar people
CLUBS: Content with my current one




Gerard <3

  1. Banshee stats 2021-
    2nd Jan 2021 14:29
    4 years, 1 month & 17 days ago
  2. teste
    12th Oct 2020 12:42
    4 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  3. Maraween & Christmas
    20th Oct 2018 05:07
    6 years & 4 months ago
  4. Looking for a photo-swapping partner!!
    20th Apr 2018 12:01
    6 years & 10 months ago
  5. ***Heartless Treasure Chest Clothing Preview***
    4th Feb 2018 05:00
    7 years & 13 days ago
  6. Birthday event 2017 winner!! [memento]
    23rd Sep 2017 08:29
    7 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  7. SETM journal
    5th Aug 2017 14:58
    7 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
  8. My pets' popularity
    23rd Jul 2017 09:17
    7 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  9. I've lost hope [OLD]
    19th May 2012 04:14
    12 years & 9 months ago
  10. Appreciate it [OLD]
    8th Feb 2012 14:18
    13 years & 9 days ago
My pets & owned pets [CURRENT]
16 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
6th Oct 2008 08:40



~~ Amelia (Uh-ME-LEE-yuh) - From pet auctions (for 10,100,010MP!!! ). {26th May 2013}
[Origin of name: Latin and Old German]
[Meaning of name: industrious, striving; work]
Amelia was definitely worth the 10 mil MP. <3 I absolutely love her name and I have always known if I would have children, I'd name my daughter Amelia. <3
There's more personal value to her name than anyone could know.
She became a beautiful Nimbus Lorius by buying an Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie for 18 mil MP and Nimbus Costume for 2.5 mil. : )

~~ Breila (Brey-la) - From pet trades (originally brown). {8th January 2012}
[Origin of name: English]
[Meaning of name: variant of Brianna]
I traded two beloved pets of mine, Juen and Kiri for Breila, because well... it was sort of a "first love at sight" thing I felt: if wasn't for that then I would have never gone with this trade knowing Breila isn't a pet who I'd cherish. I got her a Fire Fairy Costume for 1.15 mil MP and I'm very content, cause now she is perfect (partially because she now has wings and you know my love for wings is huuuge <3).

Breila is so mischievous, she can sometimes take it too far but in the end, her pranks are forgiven and she usually makes it up.

~~ Eifion (Ayv-ion) - From pet trades (originally named Jaive). {6th July 2012}
[Origin of name: Welsh]
[Meaning of name: grandson of King Cunedda]
I slightly overoffered on this little bug guy, but he was well worth it, cause Bug Ercuws are super cute. <3
Jaive is part of my Ercuw trio now! I renamed him to Eifion as I find it a really nice name for a boy and was disliking Jaive anyway!

~~ Illumino (ih-LOO-muh-NO) - From pet trades. {15th August 2017}
[Meaning of name: clearly derivated from the word "illuminate"!]
I absolutely love his name and think that his costume matches him! I had to find a Chibi Rusty to trade for Illumino, so I had offered my 107/92 statted mermaid ercuw for a regular Rusty and then bought a Chibi Costume for 8 mil. At least I got the Chibi avatar, so it wasn't entirely a lose-lose situation! And it was worth it for Illumino. <3
He was initially a Light Fairy Limax, but I much prefer the Lightning costume (bought for 6.2 mil MP), and it's more unique!

~~ Iriya (Ee-ree-ya) - From pet trades (originally named Weaselbee). {6th July 2012}
[Origin of name: Japanese]
[Meaning of name: Into the valley?]
Finally a willa to keep! <3
So I was experimenting with names and suddenly I came across Iriya to my surprise which is also an anime character. I find it a really cute name, fitting to a cute species!
I was so happy the day that new dna combinations were released for the willa, I instantly turned one of my pets into an Osafo and ended up having to buy 5 pink dnas.
I wanted a splatter row so I went to gather my four favourite splatter pets and the Splatter Willa is one of them. <3
I paid 10 mil MP for the costume and now Iriya looks beautiful and playful!

Iriya is very playful and mischievous, usually gets away with most of the pranks with her cuteness. She bonds very will with Macardy, she brings the best out of him.

Kagaya (Kah-gah-yah) - From the pet auctions. {29th April 2012}
[Origin of name: Japanese digital artist Kagaya Yutaka <3]
I took Kagaya in as a part of my family because he has an amazing name and I adore Kagaya Yutaka's digital work so much, they are the most amazing works I have ever seen in my entire life, so live on, Kagaya. <3
He mostly incorporates the night sky with stars and blue in his work, so I really wanted to turn Kagaya into something related to stars or galaxy, and Starry Limax was the perfect candidate!
I bought an Enchanted Christmas Limax Plushie and Starry Costume for 8 mil MP and 2 mil MP respectively.

Kagaya has been having dreams related to astronomy, but that is no surprise because he has a thing for stars. Someday he hopes to be just as starry as those shiny stars in the galaxy.

~~ Kig (Kig) - From a giveaway, from someone who quit Marapets. {6th May 2012}
[Meaning of name: abbreviation for "Keep It Gangsta"]
I won Kig from a giveaway which was a shocking news because I definitely didn't expect this outcome, a chance of 1/50 is pretty slim! I'm so glad I can give Kig a lovely home, she's in good hands. ^_^

Kig loves winter and the christmas spirit. Kig was raised in an environment where slang terms were used a lot, so therefore she was named "Kig". Her mantra is also her name: Keep It Gangsta.

~~ Mairwynn (Mai-rwin, mai-err-win) - From pet trades (originally named Tokkun). {15th August 2017}
[Origin of name: Welsh]
[Meaning of name: white, fair, blessed, alternative spelling of Mairwen]
Apparently Raulfs were really hard to get as you had to over-offer, but I got one eventually! Traded a Party Quell and Magenta Snookle for her. Although I loved her Moonlight Costume, Water Costume (1 mil MP) is simply my favourite costume on a Raulf! I renamed her to Mairwynn as I genuinely adore this name, I much prefer this alternative spelling to Mairwen, it looks so much better!

~~ Parmina (PAR-ME-nah) - From pet trades (originally named Saiena and Bechira). {16th August 2012}
When the Splatter Pucu came out, I made it my new pet goal. A deal didn't work out with someone who used to own Parmina, so I stalked the birdie and she ended up being with the previous owner. After some discussion of her desires, I found a 116 gym and 50 elite statted pet and was able to interest her with that pet. Now Parmina is finally home, I might rename her in the future, but this exquisitely bird is proudly in my care. <3
I love her name, because the "par" in her name looks like the one in "parrot", so perfect. <3

Parmina loves to brag about her wings, though the others don't seem to be bothered by it as Parmina has every right to brag about such beautiful wings.

~~ Ree (Ree) - From pet trades. {4th June 2011}
[Origin of name: variant of Rebecca (Hebrew)]
[Meaning of name: to bind]
I over-offered for this cute little unicorn as I really love her name. I've always wanted a 3 letter name pet and Ree seems like the perfect pet for it. I don't think she needs another costume, so I would say Ree is perfect as she is now.

Together with Vaia, Ree likes conjure up odd magic spells which are most of the time successful, but still, no one really wants to be around them because they fear the worst: a failed spell.

~~ Reiko (RAY-koh) - From pet trades. {27th February 2012}
[Origin of name: Japanese]
[Meaning of name: beautiful, beautiful child]
I simply adore Reiko's name and was mesmerized when I first saw her. I bought a Green Zola Potion for 24 mil plus Cheese Limax Plushie, Werewolf Stamp and Weather Stamp. Then I put on a Splatter Costume on her to make her the perfect and best Zola in my eyes.

Reiko was always fond of feline creatures, mainly influenced by the television. She dreams of becoming one someday, a Figaro is her role model.

~~ Serra (Seh-rah) - Created & named by me. {25th December 2008}
[Origin of name: Portuguese]
[Meaning of name: mountain]
Serra was born in my family, so she is so much more special, because I raised her to be the darling who she is now. <3
Too bad I didn't know the names were resetted when I first saw that the Satellite Search didn't work.
I found out later after two months. x]
But I was so happy her name wasn't taken yet, cause it's a real and fairly common name. ^^
Serra has turned into what I wanted her to be, a Fire Fairy Ercuw.
I bought an Enchanted Fire Fairy Ercuw Plushie for 3 million MP.
I can definitely see my future child being named Serra, hehe. <3

Everyone is fascinated by Serra, because she is a dragon and dragons are seen as rare, mysterious and mythical creatures. In the beginning, everyone stalked (in a mild form) Serra, but after a while, they have witnessed some unusual and unique events of Serra and everyone learned to accept her.

~~ Vaia (Vah-ya) - Received from a giveaway, from lateroses2. {12th March 2012}
Vaia is my recent addition to my current winged Mordo trio! I love how they have their own special row by themselves. <3
I remember offering on Vaia numerous times because her name mesmerized me, but I failed in all attempts. xD It's beautiful how I ended up being united with Vaia by this giveaway event. It was the perfect occasion.

20/07/2017 UPDATE
After years I've decided it was time to change Vaia into something more compatible with Wing as they sit together. I've always loved Eleka pets and everything about Eleka, so it was only obvious that Vaia would be an Eleka pet too and the Limax is the best fit ever. I bought an Enchanted Cheese Limax Plushie for 7.5 mil MP and Eleka Costume for 7 mil MP!

Vaia usually spends a lot of time with Ree casting spells, but in her spare time she tries to get along with everyone.

~~ Violet (VYE-a-let) - From pet trades. {5th October 2017}
[Origin of name: Latin]
[Meaning of name: purple]
My offer for Violet was the biggest offer I ever made on Mara and I can say it was worth it. <3 Purple is my favourite colour and I knew I had to get her, so I'm so glad I'm the proud owner of Violet!

~~ Wing (Wing) - Originally named Seiyuna which was created & named by me. {23th September 2008}
[Origin of name: Chinese]
[Meaning of name: glory, high honour]
*pokes other blog* For more details. c=
Wing was born in my family as Seiyuna, but I got her a name certificate!
If you do offer on her, she will blow you far away with her magnificent wings. ;D
I can't imagine ever trading Wing after everything I have given her. I don't think I could bear to see her on someone else her/his profile. It would hurt me to know that I was the one who raised her, but that the effort would not be seen. Wing reflects my hardest work and my obsession for wings. <3

Wing is well-known for her compassion and kindness. She treats everyone equally and loves to soar in the sky, that is like her second home, high above in the clouds where she feels at ease.

~~ Yuino (Yooh-ee-noh) - From pet trades. {20th July 2017}
[Origin of name: Japanese]
[Meaning of name: ?]
I traded for Yuino from someone who really loved her as she was her dream pet. I am very honoured to have the pleasure to take her home with me. <3
I know Yuino will get the same amount of love and attention she had got from her previous owner (or even more so! ), I will make sure of that. <3
I really love Yuino as her name fits really well with Yuna and Dragon Quells are to die for!

~~ Yuna (Yooh-nah) - From pet trades. {13th June 2012}
[Origin of name: Okinawan]
[Meaning of name: night]
Yuna was a whole ordeal to get, but I certainly have no regrets for having gone through a lot for her. I'm happy everything worked out, everyone is happy and Yuna wouldn't be by my side if it weren't for some seriously supportive people. <3
I've been admiring her for nearly 2 years, maybe more or less, but no less than a year, so it sure has been a long time. I never thought I would one day be able to have her in my family, so Yuna represents the fact that even when some things seem hopeless, always keep a sliver of hope, because you never know. <3
And of course, she also represents the Yuna from Final Fantasy, a game series that I love so much and I've always loved the character Yuna. <3
If Ian ever purges the names in the future, I will go insane (in a positive way, lol) when I get the name Tidus. <3
Yuna is also a variant for Yoona from Girls' Generation, an amazing Korean girl band!
I made her a Splatter Snookle (5.5 mil for Enchanted Starry Snookle Plushie) as I thought that was the closest fit to Yuna in FFX. The Splatter Snookle looks like it's dancing gracefully in all sorts of different colours and it just looks very happy and adorable. And those are the prettiest eyes I've seen! <3

When there is a quarrel in the household, Yuna is always able to resolve any disputes and she has this amazing gift to calm everyone whenever things get tense.


~ 2008-2013 ~

Atalicia (named by me): 18 statted & read Undying Book Icefairy Fasoro, gave away
*gave to Sounding*

Mireilla (named by me): Ghost Gonk with 100+ books, disowned

Emeia (named by me): Baby Dakota, traded for Juen the baby leido with 125 gym and 12 elite stats & Ledgera the lightfairy yuni & Arrabela the 25 statted Christmas Viotto
*UPDATE: Emeia has been renamed to Peytin? Not with sweetgurl44 anymore?*

Ledgera: Lightfairy Yuni, traded for Dawnrae the lightfairy yuni

Suna (named by me): Funky Addow, traded for Tagic the love lati
*traded with TheSnowSpider*

Tagic: Love Lati, traded for Elden the rotten sindi

Elden: Rotten Sindi, traded for Waft the cottoncandy snookle

Lumisis (named by me): 15 statted Angel Chibs (I'm sorry, beauty! <3), traded for Wing the witch mordo

Georgai: Blue Daisy (gave away)

Ailyne (named by me): Anime Quell (bought the potion for 3.7 mil MP)
Zarliala: Old Chibs
= traded for Wodnik the 60 elite and gym statted green doyle

Wodnik: 60 elite & gym statted Green Doyle, traded for Servitude the Gothic Dakota
*UPDATE: Wodnik has been renamed to Lorelae? Traded with cherrypoppop*

Ellareina: Love Lati, traded for Axana the british lati

Axana: British Lati, trade for Uvy the lightning snookle

Dawnrae: Lightfairy Yuni, traded for Luanna the lightfairy lati
*traded with xStarBrightx*

Luanna: Lightfairy Lati
Arrabela: 25 statted Christmas Viotto
= traded for Ree the lightfairy yuni
*traded with LoveWillFindAWay*

Chelin: Minipet Vixen, received and sent back to the same person <3

Waft: Cotton Candy Snookle
Uvy: Lightning Snookle
= traded for Mariceli the starry viotto

Juen: Underwater Dakota with 125 gym and 25 elite stats <3
Kiri (named by me): Valentine Figaro <3
= traded for Breila the firefairy rofling
*traded with Punk38*

Mariceli: Starry Viotto, swapped with Stellato the starry viotto

Marcion: Cheese Poera, pet auctioned off

Auralyn: Red Speiro, disowned

Kyorei: Blue Speiro, disowned

Valyon: Yellow Jessup, disowned

Dashuri: Cottoncandy Sindi, traded for Trixia the pink mordo

Shiori: Royal Troit, traded for Reiko the yellow tantua
*traded with MrPeaboddis*

Cheiron: Yellow Bolimo, disowned

Rimes: Angel Chibs <3
Stellato: Starry Viotto
Kyoto: Bee Willa
= traded for MurMade the Mermaid Ercuw

MurMade: Mermaid Ercuw, traded for Yuna the Mermaid Ercuw <3

Sayuna: Orange Gonk, auctioned

Servitude: Yellow Fasoro, auctioned for 13k to Kaerine

Trixia: Eleka Mordo with 25 gym and elite stats, traded for Crim the Madscientist Chibs with baby stats

Crim: Madscientist Chibs with baby stats, traded for Kolts the Cowboy Lati and Lyo the Pirate Yuni

Kolts: Cowboy Lati, traded for Weaselbee the Pink Willa

Lyo: Pirate Yuni, traded for Adelyn the Silver Viotto

Adelyn: Silver Viotto
Lixi: Pixie Troit with 25 gym and elite stats
= traded for Eternium the Sleepy Nino

Esuna: 50 gym and 25 elite statted Angel Mordo, traded for Bamfield the Black Gonk with 116 gym and 50 elite stats

Bamfield: Black Gonk with 116 gym and 50 elite stats, traded for Saiena the Splatter Pucu with 65 gym and 72 elite stats <3

Eternium: Sleepy Nino, traded for Ginie the Nightmare Vixen and Ameiya the Nightmare Snookle.

~ 2017-present ~

Ameiya: Nightmare Snookle, traded for Yuino the Dragon Quell with Medieval. <3

Ginie: Nightmare Vixen, traded for Kyelei the Love Sindi and Kyeri the Rainbow Ercuw.

Kyelei: Love Sindi
Kyeri: Rainbow Ercuw
= traded for Jaive the Bug Ercuw
*traded with katieli*

Evanthie: Gothic Dakota, traded for Fevo the Party Quell with LedZeppelin (special trade for Evanthie to go to Bleach)

Bechira: 107/92 statted Mermaid Ercuw, traded for Orleanna the Fancy Rusty
*traded with Tempt*

Orleanna: Chibi Rusty (costumed her myself, Chibi Costume was 8 mil MP), traded for Illumino the 97/102 statted Lightfairy Limax <3

Fevo: Party Quell
Macardy: 25/25 statted Magenta Snookle
= traded for Tokkun the 15/54 statted Moonlight Raulf
*traded with Sharon*

TinselFir: 297/162 statted Sponge Xoi, traded for Cheub the Yellow Rofling

Cheub: Yellow Rofling
Siiyana: 217/111 statted Green Doyle
= traded for Intel the 165/131 statted Tundra Rofling

Minvo the 165/131 statted Tundra Rofling, traded for Violet the Floral Limax

Mynca: Floral Limax, traded for Diptyque the Candle Vixen

Frill: Given to Dirt
Frilly: Given to Drama

Breolus: Anime Vixen, traded for Clemence for the Ice Ideus

Samala: Party Quell, traded for Aetherial the Nimbus Limax

Florino: Candy Figaro, traded for Alfonzo the Coral Gizmo

Norian: 100/100 statted Tundra Willa, traded for Cornish the Mermaid Lorius

113 years, 8 months & 22 days ago 29th May 2011 13:10
lol then Im CANADIAN ENGLISH even though I lvie in Walesc - awkard! and gl with the pets.
114 years, 8 months & 20 days ago 31st May 2010 11:50

It depends on where you live.
American English = color
British/Canadian English = colour
116 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 14th Jan 2009 12:03
bloom=fat (: xDDDD

She will continue to fat into a beautifully colourful color flower<3

Isnt colourful spelled colorful?xD
116 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 11th Jan 2009 13:54
116 years, 1 month & 21 days ago 29th Dec 2008 06:32
Why of course i knew that...!
116 years, 3 months & 1 day ago 18th Nov 2008 11:15
Viotto's don't get fat.
Surely you know that
116 years, 3 months & 1 day ago 18th Nov 2008 11:00
Of course
She is very spoiled
So i guess she is happy.
Although i hope Seiyuna won't get fatter
116 years, 3 months & 10 days ago 9th Nov 2008 08:31
Dear Seiyuna,
Hope your Guardian Angel got you loads of candy from trick or treating! :isn't munching on my mistress's sweets:
Hope you are happy!
Plush x
[insert big hug here]
116 years, 3 months & 17 days ago 2nd Nov 2008 08:47
  1. Banshee stats 2021-
    2nd Jan 2021 14:29
    4 years, 1 month & 17 days ago
  2. teste
    12th Oct 2020 12:42
    4 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  3. Maraween & Christmas
    20th Oct 2018 05:07
    6 years & 4 months ago
  4. Looking for a photo-swapping partner!!
    20th Apr 2018 12:01
    6 years & 10 months ago
  5. ***Heartless Treasure Chest Clothing Preview***
    4th Feb 2018 05:00
    7 years & 13 days ago
  6. Birthday event 2017 winner!! [memento]
    23rd Sep 2017 08:29
    7 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  7. SETM journal
    5th Aug 2017 14:58
    7 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
  8. My pets' popularity
    23rd Jul 2017 09:17
    7 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  9. I've lost hope [OLD]
    19th May 2012 04:14
    12 years & 9 months ago
  10. Appreciate it [OLD]
    8th Feb 2012 14:18
    13 years & 9 days ago