17 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
8th Jul 2007 17:52I was thinking a bit last night [oh my gosh] and we have about 2 mil people playing Mara, correct?
And I've been seeing a lot of dream pet funds lately. Yes?
So I decided I wanna start something long-term.
I figured if each player donates 25 mp - a tiny amount - we'll have 50 mil marapoints to grant dream pets.
Awesome, yes? xD
If even only half donates 25 - we'll have 25 mil. Crazy, isn't it? This isn't a scam - and even if it were, it's only 25 mp.
So just maramail me if you'd like to donate.
As soon as this gets rolling I'll be taking requests on dream pets - so watch out for the boards!