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  1. thedannies well written point
    21st Jun 2008 20:29
    16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  2. Collectors Unite
    21st Jun 2008 02:32
    16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  3. Veg
    29th May 2008 04:15
    16 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  4. FREAKY!
    20th Feb 2008 02:03
    16 years, 11 months & 28 days ago
thedannies well written point
16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
21st Jun 2008 20:29

It doesn't matter whether you are new or experienced. Everyone could do with a reality check. Mara, believe me, /will/ go down the toilet if people continue to judge each other as they do. Mark my words.

We older members are at wits end with the amount of boards saying, 'stupid newbie mail' and making a laughing stock out of our members. The amount of judging, mocking, general snide remarks. I for one am sick of it, and I know for a fact I am not alone there.

Why can't we just pull together? Marapets... it's like a family to me, in fact, it has seen me thtough so many stages of my life I could not begin to describe how thankful I am. But right now, everyone is so isolated it's untrue. The family I used to know is gone, and that really saddens me.

"Everyone goes on about 'old mara' right? What's the big whoop? Just stop going on." Well the reason we talk about old mara is because right now we miss it badly. Not because of all the cheap potions, cheesey layouts and battle poses. Because marapets was a comumnity back then. You could feel the togetherness. If a newbie mailed you asking to be friends, you would politely tell them no-thank-you, not block, report, then make a board about how pathetic they are. You see the difference?

And n case you haven't noticed, a LOT of valued, experienced members have been leaving lately. Yes, that's partly to do with
- glitches
- few updates
- blah blah blah

Some of the attitudes on this site, frankly, stink. It's almost as if hating newbies, and hating staff, has become a trend. That makes you respected.

Well here's a wakeup call, Marada, it aint good. It will /not/ gain you respect. And if it's mine you're after, that is no way to go about it.

Maybe for those /super pwnful/ *cough* dudes who gang up on you, and reply to xeverything you say with nothing but sarcasm and such, yeah, you'd do /anything/ to be their friend. They're so cool, they get banned once a month. They mock you. They are scum. But you want their respect.

And you know what? It's just like the popular group at your school, or those tarts at work. Real friendship and trust is not built on trends. So chew on that.

By acting like a stuck up loser, you don't get respect from the people who truly make marapets what it is. Among my friends, the truly experienced, polite friends who know the site well, do you know what we do? We laugh at those who pretend to hate staff, and newbs, and make boards about newbie mail.

You are being laughed at. How does that feel?

Think twice before telling the world about the newbie mail you just got, or boasting on how maby block lists you are on, or how many people are on yours. It doesn't make people look up to you or envy you.


Person 1: I am on 60 people's blocklist. =D
Person 2: Wow! That's amazing! I really admire you!
Has or will that ever happen? NO.

And thoes FAQs? Pathetic.

Q: What's your name?
A: Mind your own buisiness.

Q: Will you be my friend?
A: No. -blocks-

Q: Do you like me?
A: No. I hate you. -blocks and reports-
This does not make you a good person. It makes you an ignorant piece of crap.

I'm just going to leave you with something my mum told me when I was going through a hard time and lost myself.

"Honey, the only thing you need to do right now is be the nicest person you can. If you are a nice, good person, then you can go anywhere you want in life."

((All credit goes to thedannies.))

This world in general has gone to heck in a hand bag . No body says please and thank you anymore nor do they say excuse me ...

its just not on the game site its every where ... I am a new be just 4 days into it i have meet some nice folks on here ...

and your mom is right kill them with kindness and politeness and just keep being you ...
16 years, 7 months & 29 days ago 21st Jun 2018 20:15
  1. thedannies well written point
    21st Jun 2008 20:29
    16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  2. Collectors Unite
    21st Jun 2008 02:32
    16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  3. Veg
    29th May 2008 04:15
    16 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  4. FREAKY!
    20th Feb 2008 02:03
    16 years, 11 months & 28 days ago