Weapons Market

8 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
4th Nov 2016 16:27I got to say- after I come back active from over a year of not playing Mara., I was wondering what other Players thought.
'Staff of the light Faerie'- has come up in price from 50k to 500k, so I was glad to see that. However, given the power of this weapon and the surrounding weapons of this type of power- to cheap in price, (I think it offsets the balance) ?
'Golden Goose Axe'- I do not really know the actual market value at this time, but I did see one in the TP for 30 Million. If this is the case- I am happy to see we now have a weapon worth 30 Million, retired and going up in price. Is this the most expensive weapon of mass power ?
Could this be the start of fixing the weapons market, sure looks like it. I know it would be easy to off-set the balance when making weapons.
looks like someone is thinking about the Arena some, is that a new button to click in the Arena I see that says 'Battle Again' ? I sure noticed it helped in Last weeks Arena Contest, I do not recall seeing that in the past ?