!My PeTs!

16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
24th Mar 2008 17:00I love all my pets, and none of them will be for trade/givaway UNLESS I SAY SO. If you mm me asking for any of these pets, you shall meet Mr. Block!
Okay, here is some info on my beautimous pets(yeah, I know, you're full of envy, aren't you? xD) :
Azriela was my first ever non-le
dream pet. I love her to death and she will never be for trade!
She is my forth le, and she is my favorite pet. I adore her so much she sometimes gets sick of me loving her, but I know she's just kidding around. lol!
Gabriellas was my first ever pet on Marapets. The first time I portaled her, she turned silver, and that is how she will stay. She is NEVER for trade!
I created Maldeor in honor of the most inspirational author on Earth, 14 year old Nancy Yi Fan. His name is based on the name of a character in her book, SWORD QUEST. He is never for trade!
ShadowsMoons is one of my favorite pets. I promised the person I traded him with that I would never trade him, and I have kept that promise. SO DON'T ASK FOR HIM!
Cathartic is my 2nd favorite pet. When I traded him, he was a snowy doyle, but I used a burnt ideus potion on him. xD! Don't ask for him, because he ain't for trade!
Confinement is a soon-to-be prison bolimo. Won't his name fit?

He will nevva be for trade!
I love Emberite and he will never be for trade. NEVER. He will soon be a burnt chibber, though!
I won Omokage in a giveaway. He was a former dream-pet, so he is NEVA gonna be for trade unless I say so.
And last, but certainly not least, is...
HallelujahSong is the newest member to my marapets family. He was originally a yellow bolimo, but I used a enchanted plushie on him. HE IS NOT FOR TRADE!