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Dukka Caves
The pirates of Dukka Caves are always on the move, sailing the seas of Marada looking for more treasure. As they travel, they experience new languages and new words. Are you a Word Pirate? Prove it! You have 10 minutes to find as many three characters or more words (including common Marapets words) as you can. You can find words from any letters in the grid. Simply drag and highlight any connected letters, in any direction, to spell a word.

Each letter on the grid has a number on it. This is used to calculate your score, by adding up the numbers of each letter you use. This will then be multiplied by the number of letters in the word - the longer the word you find, the more points you'll earn!
Example, if you spell the word 'Winner' it could be W(2) + I(5) + N(2) + N(3) + E(1) + R(3) to make 16 points, which will then be multiplied by 6, the number of letters in the word and score 96 points. Over 400,000 words are in the Word Pirate dictionary. However, only a limited number of three letter words (those most commonly used in the english language) will count.

You can also win between One Dukka Coin and Ten Dukka Coin each time you enter. The chances of winning these bonus prizes increase each time you find a long (or high scoring) word. You may also be one of three daily winners of a Two Hundred And Fifty Dukka Coin.

Earn 4MP per point, up to a maximum of 7,500MP per day.

You can play Word Pirate for FREE once per day. Game resets at 00:00MST.

Word Pirate

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