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Marada was accidentally discovered in August 2004 when a British student used a telephone box that was in fact a Time Machine - or H.O.M.E.R (History of Marada Extra-dimensional Replicator). Since then, over 9,078,077 people have visited at different times and have missed out on many items from the past. Every Saturday, 30 items are randomly selected from the Time Machine List.

You can use the Time Machine once every 48 hours with a Time Machine Token. Each ride will take you back in time and you'll carry back 4 items. You'll receive a random retired item from the current Prize List plus a time-based Booster, Wand and Mystery Bag. It is against the rules to use the Time Machine for another player.

Account Upgrades Credit
Purchase Account Upgrade Credit
30% extra credit FREE with your next transaction
You'll also win a FREE Avalanche Trading Card, Dakota Snowman & Zebra Vest

Maradan Murder Mystery
MaraJournals Stamp
Maramail Grammar Guide
Maramail Knutt Plushie
Marapets Colouring Book
Marapets Memories Book
Marasite Fasoro Plushie
Marasites Stamp
Maroon Glowing Egg
Marshmallow Snowman
Masterpiece Stamp
Matcha Cornet
Meager Trading Card
Meat Potato
Medieval Dress
Melody Wig
Melted Snowman Cookie
Melting Ice Cream
Memory Book
Metallic Clam Shell Bandeau
Midnight Curse
Midnight Howlers
Midnight Pearl
Midnight Soup
Midnight Stamp
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Mini Book
Mini Booster
Mini Christmas Tree
Mini Disc
Mini Pearl
Mini Shoes
Mini Skirt
Mini Stamp
Minipet Christmas Carols
Minipet Glowing Egg
Mint Brownie
Mission Impossible
Mistletoe Costume
Mistletoe Melodies
Mizu Summoning Stone
Monsoon Trading Card
Monster Mash
Monster Pearl
Monster Potato
Moonlight Cupcake
Moonlight Stamp
Mordo Figurine
Morticia Dress
Motorcycle Jacket
Move and Groove
Mr Skeleton Costume
Mrs Claus Costume
Mrs Skeleton Costume
Mrs Snowman Mask
Ms Claus Plushie
Ms Scrooge Costume
Murder Mystery Book
Murderer Trading Card
Murfin Ears
Murfin Headband
Murfin Necklace
Murfin Party Dress
Mushroom Patch Stamp
Musical Vortex
Mutant Food
Mutant Skin
Mutated Costume
My Boy Candy Heart
My Girl Candy Heart
My Journal
My Love Candy Heart
My Pal Candy Heart
My Person Candy Heart
My Treat Candy Heart
Mystery Egg Stamp
Native Music
Native Potato
Native Stamp
Naunet Trading Card
Neck Headphones
Nefarious Cloak
Nefarious Fairy Costume
Nefarious Pearl
Nefarious Stamp
New Years Stamp
Newth Ice Skates
Newth Necklace
Newth Nurse Trading Card
Night And Day Quell Stamp
Nightmare Gumball
Nightmare Hands
Nightmare Horns

If you add the Time Machine Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Time Machine every 24 hours instead of every 48 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect