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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly

Shops are where you can buy items with your different Currency. There are 3 different types of shop. There are shops in each world in Marada that may restock with new stock every five minutes, there are shops in each world that are always fully stocked with each item they currently sell and there are Player Shops. You can price items in Your Shop but you must first move items there from your Inventory or Attic.
Welcome, ! Thank you for visiting my humble lil shop. All purchases are appreciated! :3

I know it isn't much, but I'll drop a few surprises in here every once in a while.

Fly fast, fly high!
A comfy shoppe floating in the sky,
Don't fly away, don't be afraid do stop by!
Welcome to my boutique
I hope you find all you seek,
And thank you for such a lovely soul to meet

If you add the Shop Pricer Giftbox to your collection, you will be able price all items in your shop automatically to the cheapest on the Shop Search - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect