'Seasons Greetings'
17 years, 8 months & 20 days ago

21st Jun 2007 21:28
Congratulations! You found the 'Seasons Greetings' Hidden Avatar!
Well that ticked me off a bit. LOL I tried for a month with the Advent Pie, but thats not an Advent item, its a Bakery Item according to the wishlist. So I ended up useing like 3 Slices of Yule Log. So for future refrence, look at the wishlist for things that will get you the avatar. LOL
Avatar Lending!
17 years, 8 months & 21 days ago

20th Jun 2007 15:03
If you need the Devil or Superhero avatars, mail me and I will lend you the pet. But note I DO NOT have the Staff, and I cannot lend the map for Superhero

Devil - 9k tip
Superhero - 5k
I am looking for Pearl avatar too.
June 29th!!
17 years, 8 months & 21 days ago

20th Jun 2007 14:21
Yes thats right!! The 29th is my b-day! You don't have to get me anything. But gifts are accepted

A simple Happy B-day will be fine!

The item I want most is the Male Dracula Costume!

So I will look for mabey a good b-day deal to buy one.
17 years, 8 months & 24 days ago

17th Jun 2007 12:51
Hey all! I got back from Boston yesterday! We flew First class back home and we got all this free food

My trip was really fun. My great great aunt turns 90 on the 19th of June and thats what the party was really for

But Massachusetts is always nice and the whole New England area. Well I can't wait until December cause I am going to London for X-mas.

17 years, 8 months & 29 days ago

12th Jun 2007 04:06
From June 12th, to June 16th, I will be gone! I am going to Boston Massaschusetts for a family reuinion type a thing. So if you mail me, don't expect a reply until then. I will however get only 3 minutes on my uncles computer ONLY to train my borrowed Chibs. So thanks for understanding! Bye until then!
PS: If I never come back, the plane crashed.