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As a rule, if I am selling something, it will be in Trades, Auctions or advertised in the Forums. However, for the right price I will sell some of my gallery items, so feel free to mail me if you need something in there. Please note that minipets ARE NOT for sale. LE makers and costumes are HTP.

If you need an item in there for a mission I will send it to you, provided you agree to replace it.

I'll also lend pets if I have one that you need. Please be aware that since most of my pets are LE and statted the fees are high.

Feel free to mail with questions! :) I sometimes forget to reply to mails, I'm usually rushing to do things when I'm online so mail can be overlooked/forgotten about. If I don't reply, please resend!

Pet Trades

Currently looking to trade Zoomi and Tooker. I've no idea what I want but I can't upsize :3

All of my other pets are not for trade, no exceptions, you waste your time by mailing me, the answer is no :3 Sorry!


No thanks


Yeah I'll vote for you.
  1. To Do
    18th Nov 2021 00:54
    3 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  2. Finished Pets
    16th Oct 2018 03:57
    6 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  3. Pet Name Changes! <3
    3rd Nov 2017 03:34
    7 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  4. Totally did not expect this today!
    13th Dec 2015 08:25
    9 years, 2 months & 29 days ago
  5. LE restocks
    10th Sep 2015 05:10
    9 years & 6 months ago
  6. Pet History - Notes
    13th Jul 2015 11:01
    9 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  7. Potential Pets
    23rd Apr 2015 03:54
    9 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  8. Easter Story
    20th Apr 2014 11:44
    10 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
Pet History - Notes
9 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
13th Jul 2015 11:01

Don't mind me, just making a logbook to keep track, since I really wish I remembered what pets I had when I first started playing Wink

Pets Created

Sabookat - used enchanted chibi chibs plushie + monster costume - still owned. Named changed to Sinna.

Velvete - used grey lati potion + bug costume - still owned. Name changed to Effie.

Rheliana - used blue phanty potion + chibi costume - used steampunk costume - changed name to Rheigan - used enchanted moonlight decadal plushie - templed to become rainbow - renamed to Liliana. still owned. Currently using drew to turn party.

Detozi - used enchanted spring nino plushie - still owned.

Siriol - used enchanted autumn sindi plushie - templed to angel - changed name to Taslyn - still owned.

Jaisie - used baby snookle potion - still owned.

Rurisk - used enchanted tundra quell plushie - portalled and turned non-LE - used enchanted dragon raulf plushie - used splatter costume - still owned.

Tedrus - used enchanted dragon raulf plushie + superhero costume - renamed to Tedd. still owned.

Dondylion - used purple figaro potion + templed to become minipet - traded with Devianna for Paide.

Sugarflame - used firework sindi potion + easter costume - renamed to Maisy. still owned.

Piggedy - used grey zoink potion - portalled and turned non-LE - used grey zoink potion - templed to become panda - still owned.

Cariandra - used enchanted native gobble plushie - still owned.

Raggedee - used enchanted autumn sindi plushie + toy costume - still owned.

Neverfell - Used enchanted easter lati plushie - still owned.

Lorellea - used enchanted leprechaun Lorius plushie + templed to angel - renamed to Mercor - still owned.

Sestria - used enchanted green zola plushie I won from the capsule machine - used splatter costume - still owned.

Keffri - portalled until turned cartoon kaala. Gave away.

Foremost - used enchanted anime raulf plushie and snowman costume. Still owned.

Thereafter - Used essence of pucu + autumn costume. Still owned.

Daesia - Used enchanted yellow zola plushie. Templed to spring. Still owned.

Eilas - Created kaala, whirlpooled and changed colour to party (first try!) - Still owned.

Bartimaeus - Created Bolimo - current transform pet, hope to change to halloween pucu

Hughie - Pounded to make room for Ternary

Taze - still owned

Tase - pounded

Arianwen - still owned

Alvyn - still owned, in temple - was templing for mini sybri when costume was revamped and I hate it so pet goal lost.

Elariel - used enchanted nimbus limax plushie and candle costume - still owned.


Laserlight - used enchanted chibi chibs plushie - templed to Neon - Traded for Bracken (thunder lorius).

Jezerbel - used spacefairy snookle potion + recycled costume - Traded for Bracken (thunder lorius)

Vixienne - portalled and became spring fasaro - traded for a Rusty, which I then gave away.

Sessuria - used enchanted desert mordo plushie + arcade costume - traded for Tooker (scout mordo)

Fieldmouse - used enchanted winter kujo plushie + anime costume - Traded for B/N devil vixen (now Vielfire).

Rapskal - templed to Rolfling - traded for Elucion (H/S toddler basil) and Spunned (rainbow sindi - renamed Alimira).

Gifted Pets

Isidori - Giveaway Forum (newbie app, years and years ago) - was originally a white poera - used enchanted black troit plushie - changed to prison costume - used autumn costume - still owned.

Elizia - Giveaway Forum (app) - was originally a frostfire vixen - recostumed moonlight - still owned.

Devianna - Gifted very kindly and unexpectedly by old club member when attempting pet trade - was originally moonlight - templed to party - traded for Piede when the costume got revamped and uglified.

Folktale - Giveaway Forum (first come first serve) - was a black kaala. Used enchanted moonlight decadal plushie + fairy costume. Still owned.

XOXOCHUBBYCHUBSXOXO - Giveaway Forum (First come first serve) - was a chibi chibs - renamed to Maulkin - recostumed hairy - traded for Disbeliever. Appeared in auctions a long while later as a fat osafo, bidded but had to sign out and lost. Mailed the person who won, and he was sent back to me. Turned back to chibs using last chibi chibs maker, templed to underwater. Still owned.

Ezmea - Giveaway Forum (app) - Lightfairy mordo - still owned.


Synnamon - Giveaway Forum (post number contest) - was originally an anime nino - recostumed Breeze - traded for Zomps, now renamed Iggie.

Alvilda - Giveaway Forum (First Come First Serve) - was a bug vlad - traded for Ebichu.

[ThrowingStones[/u] - Giveaway Forum (App) - was a breeze sybri - portalled and turned non-LE. Disowned.

Adopted Pets (Pound)

Elimae - Portalled for a while - used mummy vixen potion + candle costume - still owned.

Fulten - portalled for a while, turned arcade kaala - plan to turn minipet sybri - still owned.

Kellybel - used enchanted moonlight decadal plushie + candy costume - traded for Stories.

[u]Olisya[u] - Got from pound. used snookle plushie and templed to party.

Pets Traded For

Elucion the Toddler Basil (Traded Rapskal) - still owned.

Spunned the Rainbow Sindi - renamed Alimira (Traded Rapskal) - still owned.

Zomps the Chibi Gizmo - renamed Iggie (Traded Synnamon) - still owned.

Bracken the Thunder Lorius (Traded Laserlight and Jezerbel) - used daylight costume - still owned.

Stories - Snow Addow (Traded Kellybel) - used enchanted daylight deca plushie + sleepy costume - still owned.

Disbeliever the Spring Sindi - renamed Dottie (Traded Maulkin) - still owned.

Dietzen the Spring Troit - renamed Dia (Traded Ebichu) - still owned.

Tooker (Traded Sessuria) - still owned.

B/N Devil Vixen - (Traded Fieldmouse) - renamed to Vielfire - used fire costume - still owned.

Ebichu the Underwater Kujo (Traded Alvilda) - Traded for Dietzen.

Peide the Toddler Basil (Traded Devianna and Dondylion) - still owned



Potential Pets
9 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
23rd Apr 2015 03:54

Pet Goals





Easter Story
10 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
20th Apr 2014 11:44

I'm quite proud of this, I wanted to keep it somewhere Adore

Once upon a time in the deepest, darkest jungle where the sun can't reach and the creepy crawlies grumble, the trees grew tall and the flowers did too, 'til they were as big as small canoe.
Deep in the heart of the deepest darkest jungle, where the sun can't reach and the creepy crawlies grumble, there was a single tree that was different from the rest. It was small and it was slight, and tucked in its branches was a nest.
The nest was huge and lined with moss. It was cosy and velvet-soft. The coco bird lives in this big soft nest. It has rainbow wings and a bright blue crest.
The Coco Bird sat and waited in the jungle, where the sun cant reach and the creepy crawlies grumble. It had three eggs, sitting in the nest, one blue, one green and one quite unlike the rest.
The third egg was shiny and gold and light. Something about it wasn't quite right. But the Coco Bird kept it cosy in her nest,hoping that when it hatched, it would be just like the rest.
Deep in the heart of the deepest darkest jungle, where the sun can't reach and the creepy crawlies grumble, the Easter Bunny was running through the trees, with her long floppy ears flapping in the breeze.
"Help me, help me, help me, please!" the Easter Bunny cried, as she dashed through the trees. "There are people in the jungle who want to put me in a stew!"
"Don't worry little rabbit, I will hide you!" the Coco Bird called down from her tree. The Easter Bunny looked up and she felt relieved. She climbed the tree and got into the nest. She could barely breathe; she was very distressed.
"The jungle is dangerous for a bunny like you, the people here would catch you and put you in a stew!" the Coco Bird said. "Why are you here, lost and alone? Surely you would rather be safe and sound at home!"
"I was looking for my egg," the Easter Bunny said. "I dropped it from my basket and picked up this instead!"
The Easter Bunny went into her basket and pulled out something round, a speckled blue egg that she had found upon the ground.
"I had a chocolate egg, it was shiny gold and bright, I must have dropped it in the jungle in the middle of the night. It must have been here or very near abouts, cos I slept under your tree when I got all tuckered out!"
"Well that's funny," the coco bird said, "my egg fell out of the nest, and when I brought it back I saw it wasn't like the rest!"
She lifted up her wing and showed the Easter Bunny, who began rolling around laughing, because she found it awful funny.
"Well I never!" the Easter Bunny giggled. She picked up the gold egg and her gave her tail a happy wriggle. "Everything is fine! I have yours and you have mine!"
"Do I really?" asked the Coco Bird. "I can't tell which one is mine. Silly rabbit, I'm a bird, I'm totally colour-blind."
"Oh right," said the Easter Bunny, and gave her back her egg. "That's enough adventure for today, now I'm off to bed."
The coco bird was happy now that her eggs were all alike, so she asked "do you want a lift home? Otherwise, it's quite a hike."
So the bunny climbed up on her back, and off they flew! Away from the nasty people who wanted the bunny in a stew.
The coco bird took her home and tucked her up in bed, then said "I have to go, I must look after my eggs."
So the bunny waved goodbye as the bird flew away. "Happy Easter, Coco Bird. It's a very special day."

  1. To Do
    18th Nov 2021 00:54
    3 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  2. Finished Pets
    16th Oct 2018 03:57
    6 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  3. Pet Name Changes! <3
    3rd Nov 2017 03:34
    7 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  4. Totally did not expect this today!
    13th Dec 2015 08:25
    9 years, 2 months & 29 days ago
  5. LE restocks
    10th Sep 2015 05:10
    9 years & 6 months ago
  6. Pet History - Notes
    13th Jul 2015 11:01
    9 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  7. Potential Pets
    23rd Apr 2015 03:54
    9 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  8. Easter Story
    20th Apr 2014 11:44
    10 years, 10 months & 21 days ago