High School
16 years, 4 months & 18 days ago

23rd Oct 2008 14:54
Whoo! High school....hm...
Class Colors = Powder blue & Purple!
(Other choice was Orange & Torqoise)
Freshmen Retreat -
Fun, interesting...lol
Blazer Dash This Saturday!!!
- I shall register, get the t-shirt, and not show up. =D
My Classes -
Okay, funny at times. World Cultures = tough, but we're learning about China's history.
We disected an owl pellet today in Bio!!! THAT SURE WAS FUN.
New Friends -
Molly, Karissma, Valetina, & some more.
(NEW friends hence none of my old ones decided to go where I go now..grr..)
Buh-Bye SUS!
16 years, 9 months & 16 days ago

25th May 2008 20:02
Only 2 more days of classes, Yay! :]
8th Grade Pool Party is FRIDAY!!! Woot!
Sooooo many things to be happae about... XD