Ally the Hedgehog Ref and Bio
5 years & 1 month ago
3rd Nov 2019 23:34 (figured since completing most of it, it should be redirected here so it doesn't cram
up my RPC blog)
oops it's gone
could vary on roleplay)
Gender: Female
DOB: September 9th, 3222 (Mobian Calendar)
Species: Mobian Hedgehog
Relationship: varies on roleplay, crushes will be omitted in basic roleplaying forums.
Leans mostly toward Sonic the Hedgehog Interest-wise!
Likes: Friends and Loved Ones (esp. hanging with and supporting them), Protecting Others to the best of her ability, [Having] A Good Sense of Heroism, A Sense of Humor (Jokes, Puns), Showing she Cares, Holds Sonic in High Regard, Food/Eating, Traveling, Apples, Chocolate, Autumn, Feeling the Breeze regardless the hazard, Chao, Musing (especially in terms of art), Drawing, Gaming (In just about Any form), Free-falling, Quirky Knick-Knacks, Scarves, The Moon
Dislikes: Negativity (regardless of it being from her or others), Being Toxic, Arriving Late (esp. in a noticed sense), Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, Hate (even in herself), Bullying, Lack of Consent, Any form of Harassment, Abuse, Discrimination, Any Harm coming to those she Loves, Stuff being stolen, Her Dark Form, Assumption/Accusation, Underestimation, Being a Problem/Danger to Others, Having to babysit (makes her uncomfortable/nervous), Cranberries, Greenbeans, Getting Fleas
Abilities: Has the power to manipulate as well as generate wind, and can use it for various things, such as speed or flight. Said Wind can range from Breezes to even stronger winds such as tornados or hurricanes. Ally is also clairvoyant to some level and thus capable of telepathy, though this sees little use in roleplays unless I have consent OOC from a target's roleplayer. Forms Include Super (via 7 chaos emeralds) and Dark (via buildup of pent up rage //owtheedge)
Weapons: this will vary on the version of Ally I decide to use for a roleplay, though her main version boasts a sword, two brooms, faulty healing gloves, and "possession rings"-- all of which have since been collecting dust since her forgetting them. (most are hand-me-downs from past roleplays)
Weaknesses: Can't swim, anything capable of making one sleep, tends not to look out for herself within a battle (leading to vulnerability), curses, seeing friends hurt/threatened/dead will heighten vulnerability or gullibility depending on situation on hand, hypnosis (despite extended resistance on her part), If collar is removed or broken Ally will slowly lose life and will eventually die. Oh yeah and there's also certain spiders and stone that disable her abilities. Honestly a Glass-cannon.
Personality: (filler until I rephrase better) Ally is an Aerokinetic hedgehog who's heart is set for adventure, and strives to be someone others can rely on. She may usually be free-spirited as well as a bit humorous, and does what she can to put herself within the shoes of others- but despite her strong will, her emotions can get the better of her and she can wind up rather stubborn. Such poor judgement on her part has often lead to her being rather rash or impulsive, but mistake aside- Ally herself feels strongly for those she cares for, and their safety is a priority to her.
Background: WIP, but can also vary roleplay to roleplay
Other: Any of Ally's details can and will be tweaked to meet the satisfaction of a given roleplay's criteria, especially when it comes down to abilities/forms, whether or not she has a certain collar, knows Sonic and co., and so forth! Ally is also Left-handed, and name-wise may be known as Windstar depending the version or people who address her.
Apperance Description: Royal Blue Quills as well as Fur, although lacking such fur on her arms as well as front. While she does not have much of a figure to speak for, she has a lot of leg, and stands to be 3'2. Her most notable aspects in appearance are her eyes, which stand out to be a vivid sky blue- complimented by thick eyelashes- as well as her hair, which is not only blonde, but falls shortly after her head to frame her face at the sides. Ally can be most often seen sporting a Black T-Shirt with an icon of Sonic- particularly the shape of his head, displayed on a winged ring with red banner below. Said banner has worn down lettering that is hard to see, although it is guessed to have said "SONIC". Shirt is worn with dark blue flare jeans, as well as white gloves, and certain iconic red shoes speculated to be hand-me-downs. The only accessory she has on her person happens to be a
mysterious metallic collar supporting a green orb at it's front, and so far is never seen without it.