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  1. I. Win.
    8th Sep 2010 14:25
    14 years, 6 months & 2 days ago
  2. Important forum
    19th Aug 2010 17:01
    14 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  3. Blog #312549
    30th Jul 2010 15:08
    14 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Minipet Avvies List Thingy
    29th Jul 2010 14:41
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  5. Graphics forum rules.
    22nd Jul 2010 14:52
    14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
  6. Blog #309499
    13th Jul 2010 11:04
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  7. Blog #292002
    28th Feb 2010 15:27
    15 years & 12 days ago
  8. Blog #291143
    21st Feb 2010 15:18
    15 years & 19 days ago
  9. Blog #291073
    21st Feb 2010 09:54
    15 years & 19 days ago
  10. Blog #290770
    19th Feb 2010 18:31
    15 years & 21 days ago
Old Mara...Duuude. XD
15 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
18th Dec 2009 14:23

The first City map:

The first Candyland map:

The first Gigantic Paradise map:

The first Clubs building:

The first Help page picture:

The first Maramail Rofling picture:

The second version of the Island:

The first login picture:

The second login picture:

The first ever Marada map:

The first ever Site Search picture:

The first ever Shop Search picture:

The first ever Puchala Village picture:

The first ever Tantua:

15 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
11th Dec 2009 04:02

Note To Staff
15 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
21st Nov 2009 10:33

Since with all this new stuff Ian's releasing, people are becoming more active in my household....(See, you did a good thing for everyone! XD)

My mom, sister and aunt all play on the same IP addresses as me. We use 2 computers, will be four somewhere along the line when my sister and I get laptops. ^^
I send things to my mom (like photos, stamps, etc) because I love her. XD She sends things to me as well. Once in a while my sister will send things, though she's a selfish hog.
If you need their names, mm me. If you're not staff and want their names, buzz off. ^^

Hoshi's Pets [Memories on Mara]
15 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
6th Aug 2009 05:58

~Because I get bored easily~

I was thinking one day, my pets are just my pets. Since I really don't plan to ever trade them or anything, why no try to remember exactly where I got them from and the pets I've had over the years here. It'll be an ongoing project of me hitting my head on things until I bleed and remember! 0-o
I'm not crazy, really. XD

~~~Past Pets~~~

I can't really remember my first 12 pets, but I remember good and well they were all fasoros at first. I literally had every basic color fasoro and was aiming to get 12 rare colored ones. XD

Zeno'sPride was my first pet, a blue fasoro. Named him from Zetch Bell. Lol.

MysticLover was once radioactive, and K-R-A-H-E (B/N T_T) was another fasoro.
Krahee used to be mine as well. Gave her away as a crazy newb and the user got banned. Lol. I ish bad newb.

I also gave a digital Yakubi (Hoshimaro12) to my sister at one point...

I can't remember what all my other pets were. I know I had a gothic tantua at one point, but I gave him/her away to make room for Medorah.

~~~My Pets Now~~~

Duness: I obtained her in a trade, for what pet I gave I don't really know. I remember being elated, though, because I LOVE Halloween Fasoros. They look coooooool. XD The good name was an added bonus as well. Duness is obviously never for trade, though people have asked me several times to trade her. XD

K-R-A-H-E: Named after the villian "Princess Krahee" in the Princess Tutu anime. She was, as I said, once a fasoro. However, I completed Trunx and got a phanty potion. I then set out to get a ninja costume, because life wouldn't be complete without a ninja pet. XD

Medorah: One of my most prized pets. I believe she's named after a witch in mythology, though I can't remember. I worked my butt off to get her, literally. I spent months restocking to get enough money to buy enough RP for Fasoro Poison off a random member. I asked around to get the perfect name before creating and killing her. Brought her back from the dead, and now my beloved Medorah is forever MINE. *pulls out stick* I'm serious. I'll kill you is you ask for her.

MysticLover: Named after a friend of mine's account. Was once radioactive, but I think I portaled her and she became cheese. Either way, I was happy since I was aiming for a cheese pet. Can't figure out why she still gets hungry, though. XD

Scary_Ghost: I think I was gifted him by somone, though I'm not 100% sure. Either way, my first intentions were only to have him for the Halloween event. But I really like him now. XD

Sokoru: I can't shave her, ironic. I believe I got her in a trade. Traded her and nearly had a breakdown when I found out how the offer was an under offer. (Dumb newb x2) Rofl. The person was kind enough to give her back, though, and I thank them for it. She was once a blue poera, but I recostumed her to red...Liked blue better.
Sokoru was also my first LE. XD

Tackashi: Has an identity crisis. Every year he's something different. Once he was a green fasoro. Then he became a yellow daisy. The he became blue at the next Undying Festival. This year, hes gonna be a parrot. XD Alright, maybe not. ^^;
Name wise, it was a random Japanese name. No real thought put into it.

Zakare: He was once a yellow fasoro, named for the "Zakare" attack on Zatch Bell. I portaled several times until I got a dark fasoro. Now he goes nowhere near that contraption. XD

Zeno'sPride: My first EVER pet. He was once a blue fasoro, and I kept him that was until my MARS2112 was kind enough to gift me a Plushie Huthiq potion. He is now forever a plushie huthiq.
Name wise, he's the pride of Zeno from Zatch Bell. He was my first pet, what do you expect? XD

duffy45: Obtained in a pet trade. ^^ The name isn't great, and at one point I was set on getting a male certificate to rename him. But they were expensive and I gave up. He's still cute, so the name isn't too big a deal. XD

ellanellamella: My first dream pet granted by a member whose name I can't remember. I thank them, and Mella will always be mine. ^^

teenagegirl14: I have no idea...Was obtained in a trade, stats were already a bit high and she had a few books. So I turned her into my training/Tarquin killer pet. I'm debating what I want to do with her next.

Hozukimaru- Named for Ikkaku Madarame's Zanpakuto. NFT EVER. Will one day be an Ercuw. *v*

Madarame- Obvious from above. XD Oh, you know he's a smexy chibs. NFT EVAR!

firedup10552- Gifted from a combination of DiscoNinja and XzeekX. Disco was giving her away, and my friend Zeek applied for me. I then ACTUALLY won a pet giveaway. And an Ercuw at that. All the while, I was asleep. Gawsh, aren't a 1337. XD Thank you both, she's NEVAR FOR TRADE.

  1. I. Win.
    8th Sep 2010 14:25
    14 years, 6 months & 2 days ago
  2. Important forum
    19th Aug 2010 17:01
    14 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  3. Blog #312549
    30th Jul 2010 15:08
    14 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Minipet Avvies List Thingy
    29th Jul 2010 14:41
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  5. Graphics forum rules.
    22nd Jul 2010 14:52
    14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
  6. Blog #309499
    13th Jul 2010 11:04
    14 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  7. Blog #292002
    28th Feb 2010 15:27
    15 years & 12 days ago
  8. Blog #291143
    21st Feb 2010 15:18
    15 years & 19 days ago
  9. Blog #291073
    21st Feb 2010 09:54
    15 years & 19 days ago
  10. Blog #290770
    19th Feb 2010 18:31
    15 years & 21 days ago