need to borrow l to q
5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago

16th Nov 2019 13:34
lafter - (make a plate)
laiyee - (view pet when 5 attached)
leaflit - (random when making plate at FW)
Lela- (attach to pet and view)
Leon - (random when making plate at FW)
Leto - attach pet 390+
Liam - attach to rotten pet
Lidge - attach for 950+
Lightbug - (random when making plate at FW)
Liing - bid on in club member only auction
lubadore - attach to love pet and view
lucent - 260+
lucifer - 200+
lucky - 99+
luffley - 30+
lurve - unattach after 60+
Lustress - attach to valentine pet
maddox - attach to pet for 85+
maeven - attach to midnight
manticore - make plate
marguerite - grow
marney - attach to alien for 50+
meepo - random when making plate at FW
midoat - random when making plate at FW
minti - random when making plate at FW
Miort - attach to pet
moneybag - attach for 96+
mugen - attach to pet
myer - 106+
naoen - send to player
napoleon - have 10 in gallery and view
nerd - 450+
nicky - unattach from fire pet
noot - attach 14 days exact
nuttler - random when making plate at FW
nyuchan - make plate
olvic - attach to pet and view
omen - 25+
palm - grow
parpy - make plate
pat - attach to leprechaun pet
peachie - grow
pee - grow
peiko - 500+
phantasm - attach to phantom pet
phare - grow
piggy - buy from rapunzels
pinkal - 270+
pinto - attach and view
pixel - 560+
plug - 50+
plynx - 520+
poani - random at FW
poco - attach to millionare pet
polar - attach to polar pet
pongin - 700+
poppy - grow
prancer - 127 +
princess - 240+
psyclone - attach to funky 30+
pudine - 20+
pulilka - 126+
pumkin - 980+
pumpee - grow
pumpkin ed - 1050+
punk - attach to punk pet