Friend Appreciation Blog
9 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

21st May 2015 06:57
Inspired by Angei, way back...
I was just looking at that and I got so sad omg ; n ;
So here's just four of my close friends, don't ask to be put on here; I'd write about you but I'm lazy
My active baes:E m i l e e (Emily2583)o m g you're my #1 bae, we date way back and you're even there in Angei's blog, I can't believe you left mara for so long and I found you right after you got back and we still remember eachother and get along (': x10000
you're the best of the best and I love throwing all my dirty jokes and complaints and whatev else at you bc I know you'll take them like the man you are. I gloat bc I'm the only one that calls you by your real name Emileeeeee
S t e l l a (Kandace)if Em is my #1 bae then you're my #1 bae too, sometimes you're my #0 bae and sometimes you're my #2 bae but anyway my point is you're my fave girl to talk to rn bc I can't believe I've known you for so long and didn't realize we had all these similarities (age, culture, whatnot)
when I talk to you I feel like I'm constantly high/drunk and no matter what we talk about, I feel u 105% and I know that makes u feel me 110% back (;
My inactive baes:G i g i (hotchick195)I'd have removed you from my friends list but hey you're special Gigi because we date quite a while back (': you're so inactive nowadays but I still love you and you're my girlll, you're kind to everyone and much more mature than I am. I want to see you back more regularly ok
I'm sad bc we used to talk a lot more and my memory keeps failing me so there's a lot I don't remember but at least I still remember that you're awesome af c;
C h a r l i (Colour)one of the kindest people I know, you strike me as one of those cute short people wearing dark framed glasses and always hiding under your covers haha <3
you give things away half the time you're even online, and while you're a bit introverted, you have the brightest personality and I really want to try voice calling you sometime plss.
I will shower you in hugs and kisses when (when, not if) you come back
That was probably the most gushy and disgusting thing I've written in a long time and I apologize for that ??\_(???)_/??
but whoever's reading:
Appreciate your friends bc they might not always be around!