9 years, 1 month & 23 days ago

5th Feb 2016 11:55
Spring trap: ~10k
Flower Beetle 3k x4 = 12k
Potato Beetle 4k x5 = 20k
Nephila 14k x3 = 42k
Ryuthela 14k
Tiger Beetle 24k x2 = 48k
Praying Mantis 17k
Honey Bee 90k x4 3= 60k
Gypsy Caterpillar 70k x3 = 210k
Phyllium 3k
Crane Fly 14k x3 = 42k
Bed Bug 4k x2 = 8k
Stag Beetle 14k
Grass Hopper 24k x3 = 72k
Water Boatman 35k x3 = 105k
Julia Caterpillar 24k x2 = 48k
Siproeta 24k
Ladybird 51k x2 = 102k
Monarch Caterpillar 119k
Dung Beetle 4k x2 = 8k
Moth 17k x2 = 34k
Flower Chafer 15k
Jumping Spider 24k x2 = 48k
Polyphemus 41k x2 = 82k
Black Widow 120k
Wooly Bear Caterpillar 12k
TOTAL SPENT = 530,000
TOTAL WORTH = 1,279,000
Not bad.
Elite Trap: 20k
Praying Mantis 17k
Potato Beetle 4k
I am needing a PC on Blood Splattered Mouth
9 years, 6 months & 5 days ago

23rd Sep 2015 09:55
I have 3 for sale and 3 potential buyers, but no PC, if anyone can help, or has seen one sell recently, that is greatly appreciated.