Pets || Logs
9 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
4th Jan 2016 17:40![](
Pets I made & owned & changed (as far as I can remember)
Erzie (named & made moonlight decadal) - Moonlight Decadal (traded for Acerai?)
Rebellin - Prison Rusty (traded for Ariassa?)
Zermin (named & made moonlight decadal & templed fairy) - Fairy Decadal (traded for Luhci and Kierv)
Varsi (statted & made green vlad) - Green Vlad (traded for Davinpo)
Kierv (statted) - Water Decadal [renamed to Meachum]
Luhci (statted & templed fairy) - Pastel Decadal => Fairy Decadal (traded for Khyree & Partisans)
Abidjan (named & all transformations/stats) - Changing
Theatric (named & all stats) - Halloween Xoi
Chisuto (statted & some transformations) - Changing, 118/56 (traded for Acervate & Flutar)
Srayna (statted & some transformations) - Changing
Troneshia (statted, university, school & some transformations) - Changing [renamed to Fa]
Hesay (statted) - Minipet Fasoro (disowned)
Shinderu (statted) - Minipet Gonk (disowned)
Miatolis (statted) - Minipet Doyle (disowned)
Acerai (statted) - Icecream Chibs (traded for Avexis, Cathaire, & Ethely)
Ariassa (statted) - Native Dakota (along with Cathaire traded for Bauni)
Nibelungen (statted) - Minipet Tantua (disowned)
Racheh (statted & made figaro & costumed minipet) - Minipet Figaro [renamed to Kaylin]
Davinpo (statted & templed Halloween) - Easter Decadal => Halloween Decadal (traded for Sanlucia & Tabarnak)
fizzzzzle - Vampire Tasi -> Villain Tasi [renamed to Junos]
Junos - Semi-statted Vampire Tasi (along with Tryania traded for Ciarla)
foreverjake (statted, university, school & magic) - Ghost Phanty
Chariclo - Changing [traded foreverjake & Srayna for this Poison Azul]
Esmeen (named & all transformations/stats) - Changing
Yuch - Water Daisy from giveaway
Avexis - Fire Snookle [traded for LadyGrey]
Cathaire - Valentine Tasi (along with Ariassa traded for Bauni)
Ethely (was Balloon, costumed Easter and statted) - Easter Limax (along with Acervate, Flaurie, & Flutar traded for Echni & Lysanna)
Acervate - Nimbus Limax (along with Ethely, Flaurie, & Flutar traded for Echni & Lysanna)
Flutar - Chibi Tasi (along with Acervate, Ethely, & Flaurie traded for Echni & Lysanna)
LadyGrey - Semi-statted Fairy Sindi [renamed to Flaurie]
Flaurie - Semi-statted Fairy Sindi (along with Acervate, Ethely, & Flutar traded for Echni & Lysanna)
Nerilla (statted) - Changing, 98-107/63-67 (traded for Shenazard)
Bauni (statted, continued statting, templed Halloween) - Killer Snookle => Halloween Snookle
Jaehyo (statted & some transformations) - Changing, 110/58 (traded for Kekou)
Khyree - Daylight Decadal => Love Decadal (traded for Toistle)
Partisans - Moonlight Decadal => Halloween Decadal (traded for Kinkyz & Dimora)
Kekou (templed Fairy) - Zombie Decadal => Fairy Decadal
Echni (statted) - Autumn Lati (traded back for Flutar)
Lysanna - Icecream Decadal
Mortae (named) - Red Crindol (disowned)
Pehx (statted & some transformations) - Changing, statted 138/68 (along with Shaino, traded for Meowcifer and Bjorn_Ironside)
Tryania (statted & some transformations) - Changing, statted 101/50 (along with Junos, traded for Ciarla)
Shenazard - Desert Chibs (along with Ourn, traded for Pubin)
Flutar - Chibi Tasi (traded for Ourn)
Ourn - Scout Rusty (along with Shenazard, traded for Pubin)
Pubin - Splatter Limax (traded for Sansanora and Wylough)
Sansanora - Nimbus Limax (traded for Wraei)
Wylough - Arcade Willa (along with Cryslana, traded for Cleyra)
Cryslana (made) - Scout Chibs (along with Wylough, traded for Cleyra)
Cleyra (statted, continued statting) - Christmastree Yuni, statted 110/30 (traded for Milynda and Zyar)
Milynda (loyalty stats, continued statting => 29/, 155 loyalty) - Easter Yuni (traded for Stephan and Sj)
Zyar - Valentine Vixen (along with Skorpyo, traded for Odym)
Ciarla (statted, continued statting) - Vampire Eyru (traded for Skorpyo & Zasille)
Skorpyo (small statted, continued statting) - Earthfairy Nino (along with Zyar, traded for Odym)
Zasille - Grey Eyru (traded for Shaino)
Shaino - Christmastree Limax => Angel Limax (along with Pehx, traded for Meowcifer and Bjorn_Ironside)
Kaylin (renamed from Racheh, statting) - Minipet Figaro
Odym (costumed Nimbus) - Floral Limax => Nimbus Limax
Fa (renamed from Troneshia, statting) - Changing
RJ (named, and all transformations/stats) - Party Quell (traded for Oosa and Ashom)
PS (named, and all transformations/stats) - Changing [renamed to Dominik]
Toistle (statted, continued statting) - Chibi Decadal (traded for Tiralla and Qanta)
Kinkyz (statted, continued statting) - Summer Eyru [renamed to Afton]
Dimora (statted, continued statting) - Minipet Decadal
GreenOwlChick (statted, continued statting) - Changing [renamed to Afton, renamed to Hiver]
Sj - Valentine Lati (traded for Nedir)
Stephan - Minipet Fasoro (traded for Meachum)
Nedir (statted 100/100, continued statting) - Prison Vlad (statted 104/102 [loyalty up to 119 defense and 151 strength/speed], traded for Maffi and Norsa)
Wraei (statted and collections) - Monster Vixen (traded for Li)
Li (costumed phantom) - Starry Snookle => Phantom Snookle
Meachum (statted, continued statting) - Pastel Rofling [renamed to Cinae]
Meowcifer (statted, continued statting) - Devil Chibs (traded for Marloe)
Bjorn_Ironside - Dragon Raulf => Halloween Raulf (traded for Sevini and Vixani)
Cinae (statted, continued statting) - Pastel Rofling (traded for Kayul, Lyleen, Myalt, Xirin)
Meachum (statted, continued statting) - Water Decadal
Kayul - Moonlight Quell
Lyleen - Chibi Decadal
Myalt - Hobo Chibs (along with Maffi and Vixani, traded for Amant)
Xirin - Party Quell
Oosa (templed Halloween) - American Pucu => Halloween Pucu
Ashom (templed Valentine) - Prison Yuni => Valentine Yuni
marakechi (given by sunstar2345, gourmets) - Changing [renamed to Tamas]
Maffi (statted, continued statting) - Devil Chibs (along with Myalt and Vixani, traded for Amant)
Norsa (statted, continued statting, costumed Sponge and made male) - Prison Limax (traded for Latham)
Sevini (statted 58/56, continued statting, templed Underwater) - Dragon Raulf => Underwater Raulf
Vixani (statted 54/27, continued statting) - Devil Vixen (along with Maffi and Myalt, traded for Amant)
Marloe (costumed coral) - Invisible Basil (traded for Chove, Phars, and Zahru)
Amant (statted 343/185) - Starry Basil [renamed to PS]
Celebrality (named, turned into Party Limax) - Party Limax (traded for Storyteller
Tamas (marakechi given by sunstar2345, gourmets) - Changing
PS (statted 343/185, costumed Valentine) - Starry Basil => Valentine Basil
Afton (statted, continued statting) - Summer Eyru
Dominik (named, all transformations/stats, templed rofling) - Changing => Red Rofling [renamed to Nept]
Tiralla (statted, continued statting) - Minipet Willa
Qanta (statted 229/142, continued statting) - Superhero Decadal (traded for Alta, Tomboy, Tykoma, Perfecto, and woi)
Storyteller (statted, continued statting) - Minipet Straya
Chove (statted 97/59, continued statting, templed Fairy) - Dragon Raulf => Fairy Raulf
Zahru (statted 44/14, continued statting) - Lighting Lati
Phars (loyalty statted 60/0, continued statting) - Vampire Sybri [renamed to Dominik]
Latham (loyalty statted 100/59, continued statting) - Eleka Limax
Sanlucia - Island Decadal
Tabarnak - Robot Raulf
Anchorite (statted 130/106) - Changing (traded for Rorys)
Serliee (statted, renamed Olma) - Changing
Raim (named, templed rofling) - Changing => Green Rofling (traded for Plumes, Sadea)
Dominik (statting) - Vampire Sybri
Nept (statted 111/99) - Red Rofling (traded for Rustyk, Ebonny, Vend)
Rustyk (loyalty 156/17) - Fairy Chibs, loyalty 165/25 (traded for Hobble, Portez)
Ebonny (loyalty 115, costumed Stoneage) - Jinn Chibs => Stoneage Chibs
Vend (loyalty 162, costumed Desert) - Genie Chibs => Desert Chibs
Hobble (costumed Voodoo) - Aqua Gobble => Voodoo Gobble
Portez - Pastel Chibs
Plumes (loyalty 87/56) - Nimbus Lorius
Sadea (loyalty 106/51) - Easter Zola
Rorys (loyalty 82/99) - Lilac Sindi
Tolo (named, templed rofling, costumed Werewolf) - Changing => Werewolf Rofling
Hangul (named, templed minipet rofling) - Changing => Minipet Rofling
Modest (named) - Changing
Quincey (named, templed Chibs) - Changing => Coral Chibs
Morton (named, templed Rusty) - Changing => Red Rusty
Rui (named, made Ike) - Changing => Prison Ike
Hyun (named) - Changing
Debut (named, templed rofling) - Changing => Yellow Rofling
Taito (named & made Sponge Kronk) - Sponge Kronk
Senor (named) - Changing
Hiver (statted, continued statting) - Changing
Liliokauie (statted, continued statting) - Changing
Pancake443 (statted, continued statting) - Changing
Alta (statted loyalty 103/72, continued statting) - Bug Straya
Tomboy (statted loyalty 45/70, continued statting) - Gold Crikey
Tykoma (statted loyalty 24/12, continued statting) - Pink Zola
Perfecto (statted loyalty 77/65, continued statting) - Blitzen Straya
woi (statted loyalty 150/12, continued statting) - Coral Raulf
Zipadeeayy (PA 613,853, statted, continued statting) - Changing
Psihound (statted, continued statting) - Changing
Bentlix (statted, continued statting) - Changing
bonnie-boo (statted, continued statting) - Changing
Golde_Lightning (statted, continued statting) - Changing
peblet (PA 1,350,000, statted, continued statting) - Changing
mjfy (PA 501,000, statted, continued statting) - Changing
Poera_Snake1234 (PA 500,005, statted, continued statting) - Changing
Renova (named, made Sewers Figaro) - Sewers Figaro (traded for Jumping_Jade, devildoggie, starburstin)
Jumping_Jade (loyalty 143/30) - Changing
devildoggie (loyalty 148/30) - Changing
starburstin (loyalty 144/28) - Changing
Drim (named, templed Chibs) - Changing => Green Chibs (traded for Confuse, Fakes)
froggarot (PA 3,000, loyalty 65/15) - Changing
4HayleyWilliams (PA 150,000, loyalty 128/12) - Changing
GoofyGoober12 (PA 204,516, loyalty 99/21) - Changing
Rajie (named) - Changing (traded for fkjhkdshfkjhfkj)
fkjhkdshfkjhkj (loyalty 150/40) - Changing
Hatton (named, made Love Figaro) - Love Figaro (traded for Zeanes)
Zeanes (loyalty 184/55) - Changing
Confuse (loyalty 274/176) - Changing
Fakes (loyalty 150/124) - Bootleg Vixen
Heathcliffe (PA 1,873,160, loyalty 139/69)
Drox (named, templed Basil) - Yellow Basil (traded for Eivee & Ruthford)
weater (PA 528,998, loyalty 129/47) - Changing
Larso (named, turned Beige Figaro) - Mummy Figaro (traded for Dingiso & Jazalyynn)
iDrown (PA 168,855, loyalty 175/0, renamed Sais) - Changing
ripptor99 (PA 2,654,253, loyalty 220/95) - Changing
Mileiya (PA 426,000, loyalty 168/12) - Changing
betty79 (PA 2,510,000, loyalty 217/62, renamed Serliee) - Changing
sweetpea_l11 (PA 137,358, loyalty 135/0) - Changing
Dingiso (loyalty 102/35) - Changing
Jazalyynn (loyalty 142/35) - Changing
Ruon (named, turned Lilac Figaro) - Lilac Figaro (traded for Ellare & Rongomatane)
Ellare (loyalty 105/34) - Halloween Quell
Rongomatane (loyalty 193/36) - Changing
Eivee - Blitzen Straya
Ruthford - Fat Rusty (traded for jetPower)
Seasonary (named, turned Seasonal Bolimo) - Seasonal Bolimo (traded for ponia002)
ponia002 (loyalty 139/17) - Changing
Tyrone_555 (PA 363,790, loyalty 143/50) - Changing
jetPower (loyalty 148/15) - Changing
Rulia (named, turned Recycled Viotto) - Recycled Viotto (traded for Laev)
Laev (loyalty 101/15) - Changing
EveryoneWantsMe (PA 50,001, loyalty 117/2, renamed Voir) - Changing
SnowFlakeStorm (PA 1,200,001, loyalty 139/2) - Changing
Akilah (named, turned Black Astro) - Black Astro (traded for youngrapunxel)
youngrapunxel (loyalty 104/2) - Changing
Irase (loyalty 170/40, PA 1,154,091) - Changing
Haem (named, templed Pucu, costumed White) - White Pucu (traded for Shambolic)
Olma (named, renamed Mimro) - Changing
Paire (named, templed Crikey, costumed Musical) - Musical Crikey (traded for Jeana)
Shambolic (loyalty 237/185) - Changing
Voir (renamed) - Changing
Sais (renamed) - Changing
Jeana (statted 144/110) - Mermaid Lorius
Mimro (renamed) - Changing
Olma (renamed) - Changing
Serliee (renamed) - Changing
Faelon (named, potioned Goblin Lati, costumed Beige) - Beige Lati (traded for Chap36 & Gerint)
Chap36 (loyalty 164/46) - Changing
Gerint (loaylty 196/46) - Changing