♣ | memorandum
16 years & 2 days ago

10th Mar 2009 07:18
Athenis was created on September 19 2007 at 12:37:24.
I successfully purchased a toddler chibs potion for her on September 27 2007 at 2:23:02 MST.
The potion cost me 2.95 million MPs.
Athenis made a transformation to a toddler chibs on September 27 2007 at 2:32:00 MST.
Your offer for Lot Number 1514806 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from X:
Toddler Chibs Potion
[ Rarity 35 ] Check Price
With your offer of 2950000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
[ Rarity 11 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
Your offer for Lot Number 1514806 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Angelnic:
Angel Costume
[ Rarity 31 ] Check Price
With your offer of 25000000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Rotten Potato
[ Rarity 3 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
Thank you
April 2nd, 01:56:38 MST.
Athenis made the transformation to an Angel Chibs the same day, at:
02:15:00 MST.
She'll be mine forever and a day.
Special thanks to Nikki, who helped me so, so much.
Kaeiru has put on his new dressing up costume!
Thanks Modser :]
Your offer for Lot Number 1514806 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from X:
Rainbow Viotto Potion
[ Rarity 50 ] Check Price
With your offer of 15000000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Free Male Haircut Coupon
[ Rarity 10 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
Your offer for Lot Number 1213548 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from X:
Nefarious Quell Potion
[ Rarity 30 ] Check Price
With your offer of 3500000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon
[ Rarity 11 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
Your offer for Lot Number 1271465 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from X:
Underwater Costume
[ Rarity 29 ] Check Price
With your offer of 2000000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Queen Eleka Balloon
[ Rarity 9 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
thanks (:
Your offer for Lot Number 1168785 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from X:
Hobo Costume
[ Rarity 24 ] Check Price
With your offer of 5200000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Queen Eleka Balloon
[ Rarity 9 ] Check Price
Offer Message:
Your offer for Lot Number 897068 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from mepopmad:
Yellow Viotto Potion
With your offer of 8000000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Queen Eleka Balloon
Offer Message:
Heirlooms has changed into a yellow viotto!
You sacrificed Heirlooms to the Light Fairy and its now a mummy!!
Your offer for Lot Number 1167081 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from uniisawsome6:
Starry Viotto Potion
With your offer of 12000000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Red Bolimo Plushie
Offer Message:
Arising has changed into a starry Viotto!