12 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

4th Jul 2012 15:41
Hello! thank you to sorrystaff,ILuvKitKats, and DerpyHooves for being my first three reviewers! So, I've decided to make this blog interesting by having contests on every blog! Like, I could ask "what's my fave color?" and whoever gets it right first will win! For the prizes, I'll probably get you something from your wishlist! Maramail me what item on your wishlist you want me to get, but make sure it is under 5,000 MP! On special blog contests, i'll let 3 of you lucky reviewers win!!!!! If you win the most out of 9 blog contests (or more, depending on reviewers), I will get you ANY ITEM you want, as long as I can afford it!! NOw, onto the first Blog Contest Question!!!
BCQ #1: What is my favorite 1D song?
12 years, 8 months & 9 days ago

1st Jul 2012 17:02
Heyyyyy my name's not actually Jennette, but you can call me that. ;D So about me....... I like vampires, werewolves, and One direction!!!!

Harry's mine! I like all colors, except for yellow....poor yellow

.I live in the USA.... My birthday is November 22. I have dark, dark,DARK brown hair and brown eyes. I like chocolate, ninjas, and funny quotes! Tell me about yourself below! or where ever the comments are located

If you want to ask me something, just leave a comment below and i promise to answer ALL questions on my next blog post