Lust For LOve
15 years & 21 days ago

27th Feb 2010 15:27
My dark-side steps over the line, beckons of innocent beauty to his knees. How could he know of this battle that rages within me, this urge to possess him, make him mine completely. This eternal yearning tis upon my soul, and so the angels cry for their lost brother. Mortal division lies of right and wrong, following useless to me now in my all consuming lust and the need of him. My darkening kiss teasingly pretends to slick my sensational thirst. Raw passion fills me, pure and untamed. I feel alive again quickened, strong, invisible, yet, he unaware that I have ever watched him from his dreams, in his own quiet solitude, has fought the most solemn of lessons that love is always lustful
15 years & 21 days ago

27th Feb 2010 15:26
Quiet Beautiful
Dark, Exciting, Fascinating
A place to chill
Grave Yard
15 years & 21 days ago

27th Feb 2010 15:23
Bats are creatures of the night
they awake to find night has come
to then they fly to search for food
once they catch their prey they feast
they awake to find night has come
for which the screech in the sky
once they catch their prey they feast
as they fly some more
for which the screech in the sky
others hear them from a mile away
as they fly some more
as they catch more food
others hear them from a mile away
they see in to the night
as they catch more food
Bats are creatures of the night
Kutt House Second Time
15 years & 21 days ago

27th Feb 2010 14:59
You have fed the Mental Knutt a Macadamia Nuts.
You have been rewarded with:
Mental Costume