HUGE giveaway
11 years, 3 months & 26 days ago

14th Nov 2013 05:18
I am giving away most of what I have.
I've finally decided, that I have to quit mara. I will not yet be stating why though.
The following pets are to be given away through apps:
Aeu (pet that I have once planned to become a baby but never had time to finish)
Fullbuster (hihihi, if you watch Fairy Tail or something that's Grey's last name)
Kelpey (gives away 'Sshh..." avvie + one of my first ever pets)
Sassilla (yup, im giving away my basil)
Shiza & Haiyan will be the only ones that will remain in my profile. The rest of my pets have been sent to some deserving people already.
Also, I am giving away 10Mil MP. But I will not give that out as a whole. I will break it into chunks, depending on your apps.
And lastly, my gallery. I have loads of goodies there. State what you want and stuff. I am giving away the PHTM as a WHOLE, you could apply for the ones with spares though. Also, even if you are the only one who applied for a specific item doesn't mean I'll give it to you right away, I'll give them to people who deserve them more.
My shop will be donated to POG as well, I will not tell when though. So keep an eye out. (;
I do have some rules though:
1.) NO POEMS & NO STORIES. Graphics are okay though, that does not guarantee you brownie points. I only want to read your apps. I want content with substance. I do not need to know that you're fish has died or anything, I do not need to know that you've just turned 90 or something. I like seeing effort.
2.) BE HONEST. I want to know what your plans are if ever you received 'x'.
3.) YOU COULD ONLY APPLY FOR ONE PET. But you may apply for my stuff from my gallery & my MP. But take note, I ABSOLUTELY HATE GREEDY people.
4.) POST ONLY APPLICATIONS IN THIS BLOG. You could ask questions through mail though.
5.) In most of my giveaways previously, I've always asked a question. And now, IT IS REQUIRED of you to answer this question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"
The deadline of apps would be on the 21st of November. I will choose the winners on the 25th, my birthday.
I hope you participate in this giveaway. And I wish you all the best of luck!