2018 goals
7 years, 2 months & 20 days ago

21st Dec 2017 07:29
Hmm this'll be my first time listing mara-goals so I don't really have much to say. This year, 2017, I have completed the UPI. I'm unsure what map I should invest for next year. If anyone can suggest or help me out by advising me, that'll be a great help!
GOALS:Self Goals:
[] Save 50mil MP for 2019 funds
[] Create at least 10 topics to sell Art in the graphics forum
9/30] Temple Louie from scout to baby
9/30] Temple Ralfeigh to rofling
Pet Collections:
[] Purchase Red Nose Reindeer DVD
[] Reach 700 Books - Yeshua
[] Reach 2500 Gourmet Food - Yeshua
[] Reach 100 DVDs - Yeshua
[] Reach 175 CDs - Yeshua
[] Reach 800 Toys - Yeshua
[] Reach 300 Gym Stats - Jenne
[] Reach 200 Elite Gym Stats - Jenne
[] Reach 500 Instruments - Jenne
[] Purchase Scarfy
[] Purchase Attic Giftbox
[] Purchase Double Crystals Giftbox
[] Purchase Double Diamonds Giftbox
[] Purchase Elite Gym Giftbox
[] Purchase Missing Photo Giftbox
[] Purchase Missing Plate Giftbox
[] Purchase Missions Giftbox
[] Purchase Monthly Checklist Giftbox
[] Purchase Birthday Presents
[] Purchase Round Frame Glasses
[] Purchase Spring Dress Shirt
[] Purchase Spring Boots
[] Purchase Capricorn Contact Lenses
[] Purchase Gothic Quell Wig
[] Purchase Christmas Tree
[] Purchase Gentle Snow Contact Lenses
[] Purchase Vixen Skin
[] Purchase Cheerful Chibs Summoning Stone
[] Purchase Stardust
[] Purchase Tall Gothic Platforms