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  1. Temple Log 8/30
    10th Nov 2013 09:50
    11 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
  2. Another Typical Trick or Treat Blog...
    29th Oct 2013 14:30
    11 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. Pet Goals/Plans
    23rd Oct 2013 15:33
    11 years & 4 months ago
  4. EPM
    14th Oct 2013 19:24
    11 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  5. Random Concoctions
    11th Oct 2013 17:44
    11 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  6. NTS - Transformations
    11th Oct 2013 15:37
    11 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  7. Blitzen Log
    2nd Oct 2013 14:58
    11 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  8. I'm bored so...
    28th Sep 2013 11:09
    11 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  9. Gertrude
    28th Sep 2013 10:20
    11 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  10. My Profile
    20th Sep 2013 17:55
    11 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
Temple of Transubstantiation
13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
22nd Jun 2011 13:32

In the Temple with Cidalia. <3 She is named after my grandmother. (: I created, potioned, and temporarily costumed her before putting her in Temple. Hoping to finish and costume her Fairy.

I want to keep track of the mp I spend. XD

Level 1:
Rune K (180k in SS)

Traded the Rune B that I was sent for Rune K.

Mp Spent: 0mp

Level 2:
Rune AE (155k in SS)

Asked owner to haggle and bought for 120k.

MP Spent: 120k

Level 3:
Rune K (138k in SS)

I bought it, lol.

MP Spent: 138k

Level 3:
Rune AE (155k in SS)

I bought it. xD

MP Spent: 155k

Level 5:
Rune J (Not in SS)

I searched trades and got someone to haggle from 600k to 500k.

MP Spent: 500k

Level 6:
Rune W (300k in SS)

I had it, actually two of them, because it was sent to me. <3

MP Spent: 0mp

Level 7
Rune G (402k in SS)

Asked the owner to haggle, and she brought it down to 250k. <3 Offered 260k though lol.

MP Spent: 260k

Level 8
Rune G (402k in SS)

I had just gotten one from auctions for 200k a few hours ago lol...didn't know I'd need it this soon.

MP Spent: 200k

Level 9
Rune B (208k in SS)

Bought it.

MP Spent: 208k

Level 10
Rune T (380k in SS)

No shop owner was online to haggle, so I bought it.

MP Spent: 380k

Level 11
Rune Z (498k in SS)

I had gotten someone to haggle to 400k but she was replying to mails too slowly and then she went offline so I just bought off of SS. :/

MP Spent: 498k

Level 12
Rune H (376k in SS)
Rune U (Not in SS)

I got Rune H for 260k (got the owner to haggle) and had Rune U as it was given to me. <3 At the time it was in SS for 499k but by the time I got Rune H there was none in user shops and trades looks at about 700k. =/

MP Spent: 260k

Level 13
Rune G (455k in SS)
Rune AE (134k in SS)

I had AE and bought G from SS. (:

MP Spent: 455k

Level 14
Rune B (206k in SS)
Rune O (292k in SS)

I bought Rune B and had Rune O in my gallery. ^^

MP Spent: 206k

Level 15
Rune C (255k in SS)
Rune C (255k in SS)

Bought them both from SS. (:

MP Spent: 510k

Level 16
Rune J (Not in SS)
Rune L (490k in SS)

I happened to have both of them in my gallery! (:

MP Spent: 0mp

Level 17
Rune L (490 in SS)
Rune AE (204k in SS)

Since I used Rune L for the last level, I had to buy it this time along with Rune AE.

MP Spent: 694k

Level 18
Rune U (500k in SS)
Rune M (428k in SS)

I got the owner of Rune U to haggle to 420k and I had Rune M.

MP Spent: 420k

Level 19
Rune O (450k in SS)
Rune S (290k in SS)

I sort of forget on this one, so the price might not be completely right, but I think I got Rune O for like 260k-360k and bought Rune S at normal price. I feel like it was 260k though, so I'll use that.

MP Spent:550k

Level 20
Rune M (429k in SS)
Rune U (498k in SS)

I bought both from user shops.

MP Spent: 927k

Level 21
Rune R (500k in SS)
Rune S (290k in SS)

I had Rune R (thank god) and bought Rune S. ^^

MP Spent: 290k

Level 22
Rune I (326k in SS)
Rune E (245k in SS)
Rune O (430k in SS)

I got Rune I discounted for 200k, bought Rune E, and also got Rune O discounted to 320k. (:

MP Spent: 765k

Level 23
Rune C (170k in SS)
Rune F (177k in SS)
Rune W (200k in SS)

I love this level! Wide Grin So cheap lol. I bought Rune C and Rune F from SS, and I had Rune W. xD My total spendings on this level was less than 1 rune on some other levels. Tongue Out

MP Spent: 347k

Level 24
Rune H (355k in SS)
Rune I (300k in SS)
Rune M (429k in SS)

I bought Rune H, and got a haggled price on Rune M to 275k but I paid 300k anyway because it seemed too low. x] I was given Rune I. <3

MP Spent: 655k

Level 25
Rune C (170k in SS)
Rune F (177k in SS)
Rune M (429k in SS)

I bought all three, as the owners of Rune M in SS were offline. I got a 500k reward, but it only covers one rune. o.O

MP Spent: 776k

Level 26
Rune W (175k in SS)
Rune I (300k in SS)
Rune O (430k in SS)

I had Rune W, and got a haggled price of 180k on Rune I and 350k on Rune O. Adore

MP Spent: 530k

Level 27
Rune H (355k in SS)
Rune G (409k in SS)
Rune R (500k in SS)

I swapped Rune Z for Rune R, and swapped Rune E + 40k for Rune H. Then I bought Rune G from SS.

MP Spent: 449k

Level 28
Rune W (332k in SS)
Rune N (449k in SS)
Rune A (174k in SS)

Luckily I had Rune N. ;D Bought Rune W and Rune A full price from SS. Might have been able to get a bit haggled on W, but I'm busy these days with moving and I'm anxious to finish Temple lol.

MP Spent: 506k

Level 29
Rune C (170k in SS)
Rune C (170k in SS)
Rune G (409k in SS)

I bought all of them in SS since I haven't had much time to get haggled, etc. xD

MP Spent: 749k

Level 30
Rune C (170k in SS)
Rune L (445k in SS)
Rune Z (468k in SS)

Bought C and Z, got Rune L haggled at 375k. <3

MP Spent: 1,013,000

Total MP Spent: 12,561,000mp

Today, 7/14/11, Cidalia finished Temple with 12,561,000 MP spent, not counting rewards. It took be 45 days.

Cidalia uses the Runes and....

Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Temple of Transubstantiation!!!
You can now change your pet to a colour of its choice next time you visit this Temple.


Cidalia can now be changed to a costume colour of your choice!


[Change Pet Colour]

AdoreWide Grin

Cidalia, finally:

Cidalia enters the Photo Parlour, inserts 1,500MP and a Fairy Sindi Photo is printed <3


Deal or No Deal: Time to Play
13 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
30th May 2011 18:30

Why hello, Tomboy14!

Dana was the winner of the Deal or No Deal contest for our club Zufall and will now play on this blog! You can follow her progress if you want by reading the comments lol. (:

Here are the amounts of MP she can win:

1mp X
10mp X
1000mp X
2000mp X
3000mp X
4000mp X
5000mp X
7500mp X
10,000mp X
20,000mp X
30,000mp X
40,000mp X
50,000mp X
75,000mp X
200,000mp X
300,000mp X
375,000mp X
400,000mp X
500,000mp X
600,000mp X
1,000,000mp X

I will put an 'x' by them as she removes them from the board. Wide Grin

Here are the Cases:

Okie...GAME ON! XD


Dana's Case: 15

Deal Or No Deal - Club Game
13 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
13th May 2011 06:07


Kelsey (Wiild) : 26 Entries
Dana (TurnItUp): 20 Entries
Choco (Chocolateislife): 13
Twiter (twiter78): 20 Entries

Mp Raised:

160,000 MPs

My Chocolate-y Story :D
13 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
29th Apr 2011 20:11

29th Apr 2011 08:11 PM (10:11 here..)

Okay so this is just too freaky so I had to record it. XD It's true. If you don't believe me, ask Aang or flonga. ;D Their my witnesses.

**Note that I plan on turning Kesla a Chocolate Sindi**

So we were doing goals and chatting about pets we needed to borrow. We both needed Chocolate pets. We were also doing Minipet Island goals. She needed to receive a pet so I sent her Aangeh and she sent it back. Then we were discussing portalling nonles until we got a goals color. I realized I hadn't portalled today and put Kesla through it. She turned Chocolate Murfin.

And that's just the beginning.

I sent it to Aang, recieved it for the level in Minipet Island, and used it in Candyland. After I couldn't do Snowman for Biala goals, I decided to do some Candy Tree, which was what I needed for the next level of Candyland goals.

The tree asked for a Dark Chocolate Murfin. Kesla had turned chocolate murfin...

I saw it as a sign and fiinished the level, hoping for a Chocolate Cossie. I didn't get it. I did one more level, each with a 4.7k reward. The third time it asked for an Orange Gummy Crindol, White Chocolate Ushunda, and Mint Chocolate Hearts. The Usunda was close to 8k in SS, so I decided not to do it.

I went on Main Shops and when I clicked on the Chocolate Shop, there was a White Chocolate Ushunda. Feeling creeped out, I got it for 600mp. I decided it was a sign again and bought the other two items, although one was 1.9k and 1.5k. I knew it was probably dumb, because I should just sell the chocolate Ushunda, but I had to know.

I completed the quest. I got a chocolate costume and 25k.

During this time, I had also sent a mail to a seller of a MS sindi potion, to use on Kesla as well as a chocolate costume I was going to buy. The seller agreed on 3.9mil, and I got the cossie from the Candy Tree.

Also, right as I was explaining this amazing story to two friends on MT, a member and friend from my club, Chocolateislife, posted on our chat and it popped up. This was only a few seconds to a minute after the chocolate cossie.

I know feel haunted by the Chocolate on Mara.....Shifty Eyes Despire being immensely happy for the cossie, I am scared......I'll post if anything else happens.


29th Apr 2011 8:24 PM. (10:24 here..) :

Nothing much, yet. I got the sindi potion for 3.9mil and offered a chocolate as well as the mp for goodluck lol. XD

Aang, whose stocking up on gourmets, also found two chocolate items that she bought before, around the time Kesla turned chocolate murfin....not really weird, but still...Shifty Eyes

9th May 2011 5:00 :

Another thing to do with Kesla. It seems like anything that is related to her brings me good luck...which leads me to believe she is lucky. Anyway.

After seeing a topic about enchanted LE plushies yesterday, and then a blog, of course I went to the Plushie machine a few times. All times were worthless under 1k enchanted nonle plushies. I was convinced it was taunting me, and still am.

Today I went again and got an Enchanted Blue Murfin plushie. I thought it was junk again. Then I saw Kesla had turned was a blue murfin (the result of her last portaling) and decided to check the price on SS of the plushie.

It was 32k. For an enchanted non le plushie....O.o Pretty good.

Shifty Eyes

  1. Temple Log 8/30
    10th Nov 2013 09:50
    11 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
  2. Another Typical Trick or Treat Blog...
    29th Oct 2013 14:30
    11 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. Pet Goals/Plans
    23rd Oct 2013 15:33
    11 years & 4 months ago
  4. EPM
    14th Oct 2013 19:24
    11 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  5. Random Concoctions
    11th Oct 2013 17:44
    11 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  6. NTS - Transformations
    11th Oct 2013 15:37
    11 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  7. Blitzen Log
    2nd Oct 2013 14:58
    11 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  8. I'm bored so...
    28th Sep 2013 11:09
    11 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  9. Gertrude
    28th Sep 2013 10:20
    11 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  10. My Profile
    20th Sep 2013 17:55
    11 years, 5 months & 3 days ago