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353 Players Online
00:08:03 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
We have 5 computers on the same internet connection. There are 5 different users in this house.[br]
  1. Furniture to Figurines
    29th Apr 2021 07:20
    3 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  2. Halloween 2020
    25th Oct 2020 22:26
    4 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  3. Vintage Treasure Chest crap
    28th Aug 2020 19:56
    4 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  4. 16th Birthday Crap
    15th Aug 2020 11:19
    4 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
  5. Academy of witchcraft and wizardry crap
    3rd Jun 2020 02:40
    4 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  6. Wizard TC crap
    31st May 2020 15:43
    4 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  7. Missing Avatars
    26th May 2020 09:02
    4 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  8. Lost sock awareness crap
    9th May 2020 11:46
    4 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  9. Royal treasure chest crap
    1st May 2020 22:06
    4 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  10. St. Patrick's Day crap
    17th Mar 2020 08:45
    4 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
Avatars since June 1st
7 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
15th Mar 2017 22:05

12 Years - Visit King Baspinar when your Marapets account is 12 years old.

Acorn - Earned during the Scout Event Summer 2016 when completing at least four badges for Team Acorn.

Ahoy Matey - Open a Pinata from Marapets 12th Birthday event and win any pirate item.

Anlur - Attach a Anlur minipet to a Vixen then view the minipet.

Battle Fairy - Visit Battle Fairy when you have 250 Trading Cards in your Battle Deck.

Be Prepared - Wear an article of clothing from the 2016 Scout Event, for example, Scout Uniform Hat, Scout
Uniform Shirt, etc.

Bee My Honey - Send any honey item to hunnie.

Beehive - Random when your pet plays with a Beehive.

Bigfoot - Have Bigfoot Trading Card in your Deck then view your Deck.

Buckle Up - Send any color Seat Belt to Sassy

Burple - Battle Burple to 50HP during Thanksgiving event 2016.

Candle - Complete level 24 of Priscilla Mission.

Chill - Feed a 'Neopolitan Snowman Ice Cream' to your pet.

Conflicted - Battle King Baspinar whilst wearing 'King Baspinar Contact Lenses'.

Crafly - Win a Crafly from Burple during Thanksgiving event 2016.

Crowded - Visit the Online list when 400+ players online.

Crunch - Win a battle against Crunch in Sewer Struggle game when opponent has 10 HP.

Dead Men Tell No Tales - Feed any Sugar Skull to your pet.

Die - Let your pet play with Grim Reaper Plushie until it breaks.

Doh! - Let your pet play with any Party Doh.

Elger Trick or Treat 2016 - Visit Elger for Trick or Treat 2016.

Evil - Let your pet play with Evil Clown Plushie until it breaks.

Feeling Bitter - Feed 'Sweet Figaro Tea' to your pet.

Feeling Salty - Feed any Salt item to your pet.

Feeling Sour - Feed any Lemon item to your pet.

Feeling Sweet - Feed any candy item to your pet.

Fifi - Complete level 14 of Priscilla mission.

Firefly - Feed a Firefly to your pet.

Gamer - Visit the Game Shop when you have 5000+ score points.

Golem - View your pet Stats page with 300 or more Balance stats.

Got What I Wanted - Open any Christmas Present from 2016.

Gotcha! - Let your pet play with any Toy Watergun.

Happy 12th Birthday - Random when opening a Party Bag from Marapets 12th Birthday event.

Harpy - View your pet Stats page with 600+ Magic stats.

Haunted - Open a Haunted Treasure Chest.

Holiday - Random when putting pet in Hotel for 1 day.

It's Playtime - Let your pet play with any Figurine.

Job Done - View Scout Badge page, from Profile Stats page, if you completed 30 badges during Scout Event 2016.

Keep Calm - Add any bath to your Marahome.

Kirin - Visit Pet Stats page with 750+ defence stats.

Koob - Attach a Koob to a Scout pet and view minipet.

Love Your World - Buy an item at the Recycling Centre for 100 cans or more.

Lovebird - Win a Lovebird from clicking Hearts during Valentine event 2017.

Lubadore - View Lubadore attached to a Love pet.

Maple Leaf - Earned during the Scout Event Summer 2016 when completing at least four badges for Team Maple Leaf.

Meow - Use Elger Kitty hologram on your character.

Merry Christmas 2016 - Feed any food item from Carol Singing 2016 to a pet.

Minifoot - Have a Minifoot in your Inventory and click on it.

Minipet Poop - Play Sewer Struggle game and step in Minipet Poop.

Mistake - Win a Mistake minipet from Sewer Struggle game.

Mmmm Pie - Win any pie from Burple during Thanksgiving event 2016.

Ms Claus - Play with Ms Claus Plushie until it breaks.

Native Fairy - Visit Native Fairy when you have completed 10 or more Treasure Maps.

No Love - Wear the No Love Shirt.

Noot - Attach a Noot to your pet for 14 days then view the minipet.

Ottra - Awarded after purchasing Ottra from the Account Upgrades Shop.

Out of the box - Let your pet play with 'Beast in the Box' until it breaks.

Pixie Dice - Have your Pixie pet gain a stat at Pixie Dice.

Play - View the Play collection of your pet with over 2500 toys.

Possessed - Let your pet play with 'Possessed Doll' until it breaks.

Priscilla - Complete level 30 of Priscilla Mission.

Pumpkin Hunt 2016 - Click on 100 or more pumpkins during Pumpkin Hunt 2016.

Queen Bee - Complete 250 Queen Bee quests.

Roasted - Feed a 'Roasted Marshmallow' to your pet.

Romantic - Win a Romantic from clicking Hearts during Valentines event 2017.

Romantic Guitar - Have pet at level 10 Romatic Guitar and view instruments.

Scout - Use a 'Scout Costume' on your pet.

Secret Admirer - Send Secret Admirer Notes to another player.

Seeing Double - Visit Queen Eleka wearing either Queen Eleka Male Costume or Queen Eleka Female Costume (only
works on Layer 1)

Septic - Random when meeting a challenger in Sewer Struggle game. -

Sewer Struggle - Random when playing Sewer Struggle.

Shake It Up - Random when shaking the Christmas Tree in Biala.

Shake Your Tail Feather - Put any Tail item on your Character.

Slime Boy - View pet Stats page with pet 250 or more Charisma stats.

Slop - Win a battle against Slop in Sewer Struggle game when opponent has 20 HP.

Something New? - Visit the Wishlist 'Newest Items' page (may have to click to page 2).

Sumo Champion - Complete 1000 or more Sumo Sally Quests.

Swine - Battle Swine in Sewer Struggle game when opponent has 30 HP.

Sycamore - Win a Sycamore mini from Burple during Thanksgiving event 2016.

Teacher's Pet Unknown. May require certain level school stats.

Thriller - Put Thriller Open Jacket/Female Thriller Jacket on your character.

Too Many Socks - Have 50 Socks in your Inventory and view Inventory.

Tooth Fairy - Win 10,000 Battles, then visit the Tooth Fairy in Nimbus.

Trash - Send any Trash item to Binny.

Tut - Attach a Tut to a Desert pet and then view the minipet.

Undying Festival 2016 - Complete the 2016 Undying Festival.

Up Up and Away - Have 60 balloons in your Inventory and view Inventory.

Wakey Wakey - Feed 'Fried Breakfast' to your pet.

What the Floof - Use any ball of yarn on a Floof.

Wide Pride - Have a pet Quell with over 2,500 gourmet foods and then view its profile.

X Marks The Spot - Use the 'Treasure Hunt' wardrobe item on your character.

I owe...
8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
5th Dec 2016 19:33

2-20-2018 - Borrowed Flea Plushie from Gylly, need to replace asap.
Flea Plushie has been sent to Flea Plushie has been sent to Gylly (2/27/2018, 20:08:51)

2-16-2018 - Borrowed Zetzilla Stamp from Phenic, need to replace ASAP.
Zetzilla Stamp has been sent to Phenic (2-16-2018, 10:06:55)

01-15-2018 - Borrowed Purple Leidunda from Hippiechick (tishalook). I need to replace asap.
01-16-2018 - Purple Leidunda has been sent to Hippiechick

New Turkey Day crap
8 years, 3 months & 17 days ago
23rd Nov 2016 08:22

Burple Prizes:

Vending machine:
Turkey hat

12 years & 5 months ago
10th Oct 2012 23:57


Accordian -INSTRUMENT (level 10)


Anjet -AGING (150+)

Applex -MINIPET (grow applex)

Bacon -AGING (160+)

Bananey -MINIPET (grow bananey)

Beauty Contest Win contest

Betsoni -BATTLE (390+)

Billy -AGING (190+)

Bonehead -RETIRED

Brocklee -MINIPET (Grow brocklee)

Butters -AGING (31+)

Cactoo -MINIPET (Grow cactoo)

Cactus -MINIPET (grow cactus)

Candy -GOALS (LVL 22)

Candy tree -QUEST (75+)

Cherii -MINIPET (grow cherii)

Chevron -AGING (220+)

Chook -AGING (600+)

Christmas -RETIRED

Christmas eve -RETIRED

Cowboy -BATTLE ((380+)

Daffy -MINIPET (grow daffy)

Daniel -AGING (780+)

Dantiz -AGING (1000+)

Delayed -AGING (820+)

Desert spy -QUESTS (300+)

Devil -AGING (250+)

Diamond -AGING (80+)

Didgeridoo -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Drab ????

Drenched ????

Drowsy ????

Dukka Trove -GAMES (Score over 300)


Easter 07 -RETIRED

Easter 08 -RETIRED

Easy Money -Vote for easy money party

Egg hunt -RETIRED

Eggy -AGING (590+)

Elder -BATTLE (420+)

Eleka -COSTUME (Put eleka costume in auctions for 1mp/1mp)

Electro -MINIPET (attach to lightning pet)

Erhu -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Explosive -BATTLE (27+)

Fandor -AGING (900+)

Farm -QUESTS (1000+)

Fawlt ????

Fiesta -RANDOM (Open carnival chest)

Filondor -RETIRED

Filondor -AGING (960+)

Firework -COSTUME (use on pet)

Flitter -????

Float -????

Flobberbat -AGING (1100+)

Floss -AGING (580+)

Fluffy -????


Garage -QUESTS (150+)

Genie -Receive an essence from the genie

Gingerbread -AGING (120+)

Glockenspiel -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Grinch -BATTLE (38+)

Hades -BATTLE (29+)

Harmonica -INSTRUMENT (Level 10)

Hasani -BATTLE (20+)

Heavy -Win guess the potato weight

Hick -MISSION (complete Bumpkin)

High -????

Hodge -????

Holly -????

Horus -Complete level 20 Temple of Transubstantiation in Simeria

Hot dog -BATTLE (375+)

Hungry bolimo-BATTLE (220+)

I betrayed baspinar-Visit sultan if you were on light side of war

Inflate -BATTLE (30+)

Insomniac -BATTLE (31+)

Iris -MINIPET (grow Iris)

Jacko -AGING (940+)

Jackpot -Win lottery jackpot

Jezebel -AGING (470+)

Jug -INSTRUMENT (Level 10)

Karot -MINIPET (grow karot)

King baspinar -Visit King Baspinar when account is 5 yrs old

Kleptome -BATTLE (360+)

Koudi -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Leto -????

Lidge -AGING (960+)

Light side -RETIRED

Lightning -COSTUME (use on pet)

Lucent -????

Lucifer -AGING (attach to devil pet 190+)

Lucky -AGING (attach to Christmas pet 99+)

Maddox -????

Marapop event-RETIRED

Marguerite -MINIPET (grow marguerite)

Mechanic -QUEST (300+ garage quests)

Moneybag -????

Mrog -BATTLE (36+)

Myer -????

Nauneut -BATTLE (70+)

Nightmare -BATTLE (38+)

Nutcracker -BATTLE (39+)

Obese fairy -BATTLE (40+)

Ocarina -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Oglue lunch -GAMES (Send score as game of week)

Operative -BATTLE (41+)

Palm -MINIPET (grow palm)

Pat -MINIPET (attach pat to leprechaun pet, then view)

Peachie -MINIPET (grow peachie)

Pee -MINIPET (grow pee)

Peiko -AGING (500+)

Peppa -MINIPET (grow peppa)

Pinkal -AGING (270+)

Pixel -AGING (560+)

Plutonium -BATTLE (42+)

Plynx -AGING (520+)

Pongin -AGING (700+)

Poppy -MINIPET (grow poppy)

Poseidon -BATTLE (350+)

Prancer -????

Princess -AGING (240+)

Puchalla Inn -QUESTS (400+)

Pugwash -MISSION (complete pirate mafia)

Pulika -????

Pumkin -AGING (980+)

Pumkin ed -AGING (1050+)

Pumpkin hunt -RETIRED

Punk xoi -BATTLE (225+)

Pyramid -BATTLE (43+)

Pyramid twins -BATTLE (44+)

Pyri -AGING (90+)

Qikre BATTLE (280+)

Rat -AGING (800+)

Reaper -????

Rocket -????

Rosette -MINIPET (grow rosette)

Rosie -MINIPET (grow rosie)

Runty -BATTLE (45+)

Rutabaga -MINIPET (grow rutabaga)

Sandman -BATTLE (46+)

Santa -BATTLE (340+)

Santa claws -BATTLE (230+)

Secret santa -QUESTS (200+)

Sewer monster -QUESTS (50+)

Shamisen -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Shroom -MINIPET (grow shroom)

Simerian excavator -QUESTS (200+)

Sk8er -AGING (850+)

Slate pyramid -Finish slate pyramid

Sleepy -COSTUME (use on pet)

Slide whistle -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Snickle -AGING (60+)

Sniffer -BATTLE (47+)

Snob -Vote for snob party

Snoop -????

Snowfight -BATTLE (290+)

Snowball -BATTLE (60+)

Snoween -AGING (300+)

Snowman -AGING (130+)

Sphinx -????

Spidley -AGING (15+)


Sprite -????

Stitch -????

Strawberrie -MINIPET (grow strawberrie)

Summer referral -RETIRED

Sumo sally -Complete 2500 sumo sally quests

Sunflower -MINIPET (grow sunflower)

Taiko -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Tepee -AGING (176+)

Test tube -BATTLE (48+)

Thunder -BATTLE (49+)

Timpanidrum -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Tommy -MINIPET (grow tommy)

Transuranics -Complete transuranics temple

Transvaluation -Finish transvaluation temple

Tres -AGING (440+)

Tri -????

Trick or treat -RETIRED

Trick or treat 07 -RETIRED

Tricked -RETIRED

Trombone -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Tuin -BATTLE (310+)

Tuly -MINIPET (grow tuly)

Twigee -BATTLE (240+)

Twinkle -MINIPET (Attach to sparkle pet)

Two million -AGING (210+)

Ugly contest -Win ugly contest

Ukulele -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Undying festival -RETIRED

Upload -Go to upload page on Thursday

Vampry -AGING (1020+)

Vamps -MINIPET (attach to vampire pet)

Venus -BATTLE (320+)

Villain -BATTLE

Viola -INSTRUMENT (level 10)

Waka -????

Wallet -????

Wardrobe (350+)

Waste -BATTLE (51+)

Wax -????

Wee -BATTLE (400+)

Witchlet -AGING (180+)

Wizadrip -BATTLE (260+)

Wonion -MINIPET (grow wonion)

Yaoe -BATTLE (330+)

Yhing -AGING (452+)

Yule -AGING (99+ to seasonal)

Zeew -BATTLE (270+)

Zorg -????

CDs Madalyin needs to listen to
13 years & 11 days ago
1st Mar 2012 12:50

This is the list of CDs Madalyin needs to listen to.

Angel Songs
Arabic Songs
Balloon Party
Bat Screeching
Bedtime Stories
Chocolate Music
Dance Classics
Dark Depths Debut
Dark Fairy Songs
Dark Love Songs
Earth Songs
Easter Songs
Fairy Classics
Festival Music
Fire Hits
Funeral Fables
Funky Egg Hits
Gnome Music
Gothic Tunes
Greatest Hits by Baby MaraDolls
Greatest Hits by Syn D
Guitar Solos
Halloween Hits
House Classics
Love Music
Lush Fountain New Age
Minipet Christmas Carols
Moon Dance
Native Music
Opera Music
Peaceful Serenade
Pixie Music
Pop Classics
Princess Songs
Prison Songs
Punks Not Dead
Radioactive Jazz
Rainbow Tunes
Rapunzel Album
Robot Punk
Rock n Roll Classics
Rotten CD
School Bus Songs
Snowman Songs
Space Mutant Hits
The Best Christmas Carols
Transvaluation Tunes
Underwater CD
Undying Fairy Songs
Undying Tunes
Vampire Tunes
War Music
Wedding Music
Wild Dances
Xoi Classics
Xoi Sing Along
Zetlian Classics

  1. Furniture to Figurines
    29th Apr 2021 07:20
    3 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  2. Halloween 2020
    25th Oct 2020 22:26
    4 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  3. Vintage Treasure Chest crap
    28th Aug 2020 19:56
    4 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  4. 16th Birthday Crap
    15th Aug 2020 11:19
    4 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
  5. Academy of witchcraft and wizardry crap
    3rd Jun 2020 02:40
    4 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  6. Wizard TC crap
    31st May 2020 15:43
    4 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  7. Missing Avatars
    26th May 2020 09:02
    4 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  8. Lost sock awareness crap
    9th May 2020 11:46
    4 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  9. Royal treasure chest crap
    1st May 2020 22:06
    4 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  10. St. Patrick's Day crap
    17th Mar 2020 08:45
    4 years, 11 months & 23 days ago