Marapets 5th Birthday Event
14 years, 8 months & 16 days ago

27th Jun 2010 02:03
23rd November 2009
Marapets reached 5 Years Old on August 15, 2009. Happy (belated) Birthday Marapets! From now until the 20 December 2009, Birthday Cakes will randomly show up anywhere on the page - simply click them to win a prize!
The 50 different players who find and click the most birthday cakes in a box will receive 10,000,000MP and a limited edition Cake Trading Card and the next 250 will get a limited edition Cake Trading Card!
25th June 2010
You were in the top 250 highest Birthday Hunt winners. You have been given a Cake Trading Card!
Elger Challenge 30.April-3.May 2010
14 years, 10 months & 9 days ago

3rd May 2010 15:54
The competition is simple. Whoever completes the most Elger quests in the said amount of time wins.
Run Time: April 30 at 18:00 until May 03 at 18:00 MARAPETS TIME
1 Alkalund 1650
2 Reality77 1059
3 Flojo35 969
4 Mythenmetz 862
5 Cappygirl 500
6 Wittelsbach 490
7 Jaellyn 465
8 Rottielover62 445
9 Xaenthe 427
10 Silentlybroken 364
11 Carrisa 319
12 Tralado 289
13 gomer95949 250
14 Ahmed007 192
15 Playgyal1990 164
16 shyshilo 142
17 Rarebabyd 105
18 QueenKa 67
19 Luvmeluvr 40
20 Bratcat 40
21 Pursnikitty 35
22 Moocbb 30
23 mypetsforever 24
24 Tracyg76 19
25 Noodles420 17
26 Strider00 8
27 Ratcliffhouse 5
28 whineygirl 5
29 angelstar04 4
30 joel_kaiba 1
31 mookers 0
32 Mary148 0
33 Ladytandio 0
Fantanas - the kronk
15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago

31st May 2009 00:31
i got her from pet trade as a halloween tantua.
may 18., 2009 she changed in an orange kronk. I got the potion from the clam mission which i finished after hard work for month, lol - my friend wittelsbach spent her a sponge costume.
june, 28. 2009 she entered the Temple of Transubstantiation
2008 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Winner
16 years & 29 days ago

12th Feb 2009 07:29
Dear mythenmetz, Congratulations! You were one of the 2008 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Winners! You were Number 37 and have been rewarded with a Hot Dog Trading Card! If you were in the top 250, you also received 1,000,000MP.
Thank you for playing and supporting Marapets.