Some Pet Goals
11 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
15th Jun 2013 14:56![](
These are what I hope my pets will be someday. (: I wrote them down in no particular order, really. Hopefully I'll have all my dream pets soon! It's hard to find them sometimes because they need to have the right name and everything. Not to mention the cost of many of these is rather extreme. But I'll get there!
1-Make Esosa an Ice Cream Mordo [x]
2-Make Pushkeen a Black Chibs [ ]
3-Splatter Xoi [x]
4-Summer Yuni [ ]
5-Make Modessa a Chocolate Zoink [ ]
6-Zaira the Ghost Zoink stays as is. (: [x]
7-Make Kerinne a Baby Sindi or Icefairy Sindi [ ]
8-Didactic is portal pet, changing often[x]
9-Make Eimon an Elf Ercuw [x]
10-Party Snookle [ ]
11-Make Mabilene a Spring Troit [x]
12-Black Lorius [ ]
13-Hairy Kujo [ ]
14-Frostfire Pucu or Ercuw [ ]
15-Toy Sindi [ ]
16-Old Chibs [ ]
17-Starry Chibs [ ]
18-Recycled Rofling [ ]
19-Genie Troit [ ]
20-Make Novali a Halloween Zoink [ ]
21-Fire Ercuw [ ]
22-Winter Vixen [ ]
23-Checkered Oglue [ ]
24-Splatter Zoink [ ]
25-Dark Fairy Gizmo [ ]
26-Breeze Mordo [ ]
27-Breeze Sybri [ ]
28-Anime Nino [ ]
29-Own the pet Kanani [ ]
30-Seasonal Oglue [ ]
31-Valentine Crindol [ ]
32-Valentine Oglue [ ]
33-Toy Nino [ ]
34-Chocolate Viotto [ ]
35-Make Lorice a Pink Vlad [ ]
36-Bug Phanty [x]
37-Werewolf Tantua [ ]
38-Halloween Troit [ ]
39-Hairy Gonk [ ]
40-Valentine Flab [ ]
41-Dark Fairy Nino [ ]
42-Australian Tantua [ ]
Of course I'll need some Extra Pet Giftboxes as well.
nts: Ice Cream Newth
Minipet, Anime, or Cottoncandy Gobble
Bug Fasoro
Australian Gizmo
Witch Xoi
Autumn Kujo
Baby Renat
Baby Huthiq
Baby Osafo
Baby Rofling
Baby Xoi
Panda Sindi
Recycled Snookle
Hairy Vixen
Native Knutt
Native Willa
Hobo Reese
Halloween Troit
Neon Chibs
Party Basil
Party Nino
Chibi Vlad
Snow/Minipet Kronk
Minipet Huthiq
Spring Fasoro
Cartoon Huthiq
Neon Quell
Chocolate Azul, Valentine Crindol
Party, Blue, or Black Decadal
Alien Lati
Moonlight Vixen
Sketch Gobble
Anime Gobble
Moonlight Vixen
Tundra Quell
Valentine Huthiq
Wizard Tantua
Chibi Pucu
Chibi Zink?
Panda Zoink