17 years, 3 months & 8 days ago

4th Dec 2007 06:40
Avvie Goals:
1. Get 100 avvies---achieved on November 4, 2007
2. Get 200 avvies -- achieved December 5th 2018
3. Get 300 avvies -- achieved October 18, 2020
4. Get 500 avvies -- achieved September 27, 2021
5. Get 1000 avvies (current count 508)
My Collections:
1. Stamp collection (current count: 165)
2. Plushie collection (current count: 801)
3. Egg Nest (current count: 136)
4. Battle Deck (current count: 70)
5. mini pet collection (current count)
~~Bug Minipets 9/9 -- Completed on (9/23/2014) 17/17 (9/25/2021)~~
6. Gumball collection (current count 94)
7. Toy Collection (current count)
8. Weapon Collection (current count)
9. Holiday Collection
-Valentine's Day (current count)
-Christmas (current count)
-Halloween (current count)
10.Complete my wardrobe -- (current count: 1440)
~~ Belts -- 22/48
11. Kevin
~~ Books -- 189/722
~~Newspapers -- 53/2956
~~Magazines -- 39/9112
12. CDs/DVDs -- Brent
~~ CDs -- 139/592
~~ DVDs -- 85/538
13. Gourmet Foods -- Snugli 414/7750
~~ she will get you the obese and morbid obese avvies atm
14. Musical instruments --
~~ Azailias -- 259/1181 --
She will give you the calico avvie
She will give you these musical instrument avvies if you want to borrow her.....
Alien Clarinet
Celebration Castanets
Electric Guitar
Eleka Harp
French Horn
Galaxy Tuba
Party Horn
Party Ukulele
~~ Chanson2021 125/1181-- He gives the following avvies

Alien Clarinet
Celebration Castanets
Planet Recorder
13. Experiences (current count: 15)
14. Hidden Avatars -- Current count: 505
15. Photo Album -- current count: 270
16. Random collections in gallery
~~ Armour collection -- 169/186
~~ BBQ tools -- 25/25
~~ Bakery --
~~ Balloons --
~~ Balls of yarn -- 44/56
~~ Batteries --
~~ Beans -- 49/50
~~ Candle Collection -- (See candles still needed for complete list)~~
~~ Charms -- 43/43
Quest goals:
1. - Total count of Quests finished ( 773 ) -
~~ Aquarium -- 30
~~ Borak's Brew -- 27
~~ Candy Tree -- 28
~~ Carpenter -- 0
~~ Computer Repair -- 25
~~ Cosmonaut -- 27
~~ Desert Spy -- 32
~~ Drew -- 4
~~ Eleka Prison -- 18
~~ Farming -- 28
~~ Garage -- 28
~~ Haunted House -- 71
~~ Hump Racing -- 19
~~ Kamilah Traveller -- 27
~~ Knutt House -- 7
~~ Knutt Knight -- 1
~~ Leprechaun -- 16
~~ Microwave -- 19
~~ Personal Trainer -- 10
~~ Puchalla Inn -- 17
~~ Queen Bee -- 31
~~ Robot Repair -- 13
~~ Santa Claws -- 59
~~ Secret Santa -- 56
~~ Sewer Monster -- 26
~~ Shusan -- 8
~~ Simerian Excavator -- 21
~~ Simerian Explorer -- 18
~~ Slater Stalker -- 6
~~ Snowman -- 73
~~ Sumo Sally -- 0
~~ Talon -- 16
~~ Travis Truck -- 14
mission goals:
1. Ublish's Lair:
2. Tarquin 's Library:
3. Trunx Theatre:
4. The Clam: Completed on 3/18/2022

5. Trotter's Movies:
6. The Troll:
Personal goals:
1. Get 2500 games scores for a gold trophy
2. Get all my pets a job
3. Get all my pets painted
4. Get all my pets stats up
5. Finish all my blogs
6. Get everything back in my gallery (done on 12/5/2018) and again (4/21/21)
7. Rearrange my gallery (always doing this)
8. Finish all my lists(blogs)