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What up! I'm an old returning player and behind on the times. I draw a lot but sporadically on here. Only going to draw pets as it's unfair to commissioners on other socials. <:}

Staff: I use my phone and desktop, my GF is Koze so we use the same WiFi. :) Shops/Trades: If you need something quick for a mission, I can try and cut you a deal. Just HMU if I'm online!

Pets: Working on fixing up pets, only one's up for trades/offers is Stefanny! Everyone else is HTP.

Current Main Pet: Daegny
Collecting Rusty plushies and other dog paraphernalia for her as she is named after my IRL dog Dagny. Hot Dawg and Halloweenie obtained before end of Halloween 23'!
  1. Pet Trades
    5th Dec 2023 09:05
    1 year, 2 months & 18 days ago
  2. Pet Goals - 10 Years later
    12th Oct 2023 07:54
    1 year, 4 months & 11 days ago
  3. Dream pets/Goals
    9th May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Art Commissions
    3rd May 2013 19:36
    11 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  5. Application for Tooth
    1st May 2013 18:49
    11 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
    5th May 2009 15:38
    15 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
  7. "Angel egg has now been sent to midnight sunrise"
    22nd Apr 2009 18:38
    15 years & 10 months ago
Pet Trades
1 year, 2 months & 18 days ago
5th Dec 2023 09:05

I decided since two of my rows shouldn't be moving around, I could just remake that Pet Goals blog again but with my remaining pets. How blogs are formatted currently makes it a real pain to update anything.

Adminia, Ario, Buppy, Daegny, Drad, Dukino, Flail, Fossilize and Shrimplicity will never be for trade.

Ideal Pets

This blog might be referenced on pet trades, you don't have to meet these specific needs to offer. These are just things I like and don't like!

Trying to get a wider variety of pets than I currently have. Rusty's being the exception because I love those things so much.

+Love Rusty's and Vlad's ( I already have enough, but I'm a sucker)

+Love stats

+Love Silly Names and Real Words (Shrimplicity and Buppy vs. Flail and Fossilize)

+Love a lot of costumes, but looking to own Arcade, Doll, Dragon, Party and Plushie at some point.

+Looking to own: Straya, Sindi, and Crikey at some point.

-Do not like Chibs, Phantys or Rolflings (I know, I have two Chibs, they are staying like that because 10 years ago I loved them and I don't want to remake those goals again)

-Do not like Bee, Cartoon, Chibi, Chinese. Christmas, Dark, Dark Fairy, Devil, Enipah, Evil Clown, Ice Fairy, Killer, Leprechaun, Mafia, Native, Ninja, Princess, Prize, Space Fairy, Sponge, Steampunk, Toddler and Undying costumes. Obviously, can change the costume of the pet but I won't consider it part of the value since I will need to change it.


Steffany: Arrived 11/20/23! Turned into a Grey Basil 12/5. Planning to make them a Seasonal Basil, where they will be HTP.

Tricking: Arrived 11/15/23. Made into a Viotto and a mutant on 11/19/23 to assist Dukino to be mutant (I have so many Violas....) .
After 11/28, sent them to the lake and they became Snow'd. Ideal would be to change them into a Halloween Straya, but they are cute right now.

Vitiligo: Arrived on 12/3/23. Plan to make them a Calico Nino.

adivan: The random pound pet obtained on 11/21/23. She's just big chilling for now. Renamed to Pining on 12/9/23! A valentine Sindi is the ideal. Adore

Pet Goals - 10 Years later
1 year, 4 months & 11 days ago
12th Oct 2023 07:54

[center]Back at it again to complete baby Lugia06's goals. Some have changed as designs got updated (looking at you, Chibs[/center]

Adminia - Currently in a prison fit. Was going to be an Angel but moving to Gothic. Transubstantiation on 22/30 currently. Need to make her female? She may have drank a conc potion b/c I swear she was female lol. On track: Like Completed on 10/20/23 Like

Ario - Was going to be a Devil to match with Adminia, changed into a Musical pet from a Galaxy (don't remember putting him in that?) 10/09/23. Thought about punk but I love the art for musical too much. The cheery brother to a debby downer sister. Smile Passively working on musical instruments for him. On track: Like (pseudo done)

Drad -My weird pseudo name I made. Drac/Brad ahh name. He is currently Killer Zetlian so he fits and on hold. Needs to be something spooky. Maybe vampire?
EDIT: On 10/31/23 I asked for Mr.Beezy to make him into a vampire Vlad and he obliged. He will now be a Beezlebub and Maraween shrine going forward. Like Completed on 10/31/23 Like

Dukino - My son, my funny monster dog son from Borderlands. Gotta be a Halloween Rusty or a Sewer/Mummy Zola for a closer resemblance to Skags.
EDIT: on 11/19 I pulled a Grey Zola plushie out of the capsule machine! 4th usage of it! Mutating him with Tricking who I made a Viotto just for this.
Edit: 11/28 9 times. 9 freaking times to transform him into mutant. I have so many Pink Viola's now.... Like Completed on 11/28/23 Like


Angeletta - Arrived: 11/17/23. Is a bootleg Kujo but I'm not a huge fan of them. Might swap the name of Adminia and her and try trading. She messes up the row system a bit haha.
Since traded away for Nadiene and Stefanny 11/20/23 ! The rows bugged me so much dudes.

Hammerlock - Given away on 11/20! I tried making him into a explorer or silly lil Sybri but I'm not really feeling it.

Delighted - Traded away for Angeletta and Buppy 11/17/23!
Potentially another project, it was the first 'real word' name I've made. Maybe using it to trade up to a new project (I'm doing the same thing again from 10 years ago lol). Currently trying to downsize trade for PROJECT D pet.

Nominate - Traded away for Fossilize 10/12/23. Loved the name but I just don't vibe with the royal colors. Huge upgrade from previous costumes Was trying to downsize trade for PROJECT D pet, but I like this outcome!

Losinge -Traded away for Tricking 11/15/23! Obligatory gym pet, but backed off of it when Daegny was born. Not sure what to do with them, don't love their name or feel too sentimental to them. Will probably update with further transformation from OP or WP.
10/20/23, went from Water, Olive, Purple, and White Tasi to a... Magenta Kaala lol. Flew too high to the sun or whatever, changed to an Australian Walee for stats for now.

Xeneas - 10/28/23 Given to Koze! Starter battle pet. :3 Not sure what to do with them. I do have a Viotto Essence I could use on them to match the pokemon. Might try to use them for downsizing PROJECT D pet. I want Shrimplicity to be the last pet on my list and hanging over it, so may just drop entirely.

Naidene Traded for Vitiligo !


Buppy -Newcomer! 11/17/23 Perfect the way they are ;w;. Like Completed on 11/17/23 Like

Fossilize - Newcomer! Came just today 10/12/23. Love them as is but maybe make them into a different pet with Zombie costume. On track: Like (pseudo done)

Shrimplicity - Newcomer! Born the second day of returned on 10/10/23. Like, c'mon. Name was available and I had never seen a Kronk??? Got an enchanted plushie for 14 million and now they are an adorable little guy. As shrimple as that. Like Completed on 10/10/23 Like

adivan - My first pound pet! At least since the changes. He has great stats and was lv 11 at his chef job. His lowercase name doesn't disrupt the rows, so he'll chill for now.

Naidene & Stefanny - Newcomers / Projects! No ideas yet. I have a few LE potions but they are cute default kitties for now.

10/18 EDIT Project D/Daegny - Has been born. I decided I did not want to risk her getting taken so I just made her. Going to build her very specifically (only toys she plays with are Rusty's, no non-dog food for food, etc.) but she will be the main otherwise. Got her transformed into Australian for this week on 10/15/23. Stats currently: [img][/img]
After Maraween: [img][/img]
Ongoing project forever

Dream pets/Goals
11 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
9th May 2013 21:10


So here, before my brain fails me.

Adminia to become an Angel Chibs []( IN THE TEMPLES. 7/30)
Ario to become an Devil Chibs [] (I keep spending on Adminia WHOOPS.)
Delighted into a Fairy Rolfling []( That box is going to remain unchecked oh my goddd.)
Drad to become a Nightmare Yuni [] (Seems fitting.)
Dukino to become a Pirate Basil [] (It's super adorable.)
Hammerlock to become any Explorer pet [] ( Anybody who plays Borderlands would understand aha.)
Iatrophobia to become Mummy Oglue [] (Have Mummy doll, working in the Troll missions 15/30 )
Nominate to become a Royal Mordo [] (Even though it was a bit of a waste of it's current witch cossie :c )

Whew, that should be it? I'd also like to create a pretty decent LE/Statted pet and give it away to someone since people have always been so kind to me before. So yeah, woo, impossible goals we go.

Art Commissions
11 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
3rd May 2013 19:36

Hey there, this is just where I can put down some artwork I've done for others and what they have paid for them so people can get a rough estimation of what they want/ will pay for.

Fairly simple/ very little details: 50k-100k




Bit more detailed/ specifics on posing/extra material: 100k-200k




Now, I don't have a lot of detailed ones I'm afraid but an example of one that I found particularly more tedious than others: 200k- ???



Ironically, these have all been Ice cream pets ahah; they have to start off much larger and has a whole assortment of different colors and accessories here and there. ( Cherry/ Chocolate Drizzle/ Drops falling off of it etc etc )
They generally take a lot longer because I had to shade each different color individually so I would place it somewhere in the 200k-400k region. Though I'd doubt I'd ever ask of someone of such a large sum aha;

So those are my prices, feel free to Commission me by shooting me a message. I do have the right to decline one if I don't feel like/ not able to do it on time. I'll normally finish them in the same night, rarely would I take on something that last longer than that.

Please, please don't ask about my humans. I'll not be offering them until I feel confident enough in them to do so.

Whew, that's it. Hopefully I don't seem to nitpicky, just wanted to cover everything. If you have any questions, just ask! c:

Application for Tooth
11 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
1st May 2013 18:49

Well this became a bummer, you seemed super cool and I
really appreciate all the support you've given me in the graphic forums ;u; Really sucks that you're leaving, I would've loved to have chatted you up some more and teach me your wise ways of auctioning ahah;;

Oh yeah,totally didn't forget this was suppose to be application nope not at all ahah; With that note, I don't have a big ol' sob story to say why I deserve Tooth or how it's been my dream pet since I was a wee child but merely how grateful I would be for it. That's probably not going to mean much to you for the cutie pootie, since you probably have a good 60 or so people are going to have at it the application as well. Probably said people have better reasons for it also, but maybe hear me out? Maybe my goofy picture of him would be worth your time? ahah;

[center] The Actual Application:[/center]

Oh boy oh boy, here comes the rambling and wall of text.
So upon recently, I have reunited into Marapets out of hope of completing my goals I had set in the beginning of me joining. I thought these would be simple enough with all my retired AU items I could sell for spare cash to get me on my way. Jeebus was I wrong. Adminia was planned to be Angel, Ario beside her being a Devil. Delighted a Christmas Viotto, Nominate into a Royal Mordo, the list could keep going but I recall you saying there is a text limit and I'd like to keep it sweet and short if possible. Anyway, it just wasn't going to be happen. But then I decided, "Huh, maybe I can just trade them for the pets I want. A lot easier that way!"

Couldn't even bring myself to open a forum. I gotten so overly attached to my pets, even after leaving them for so long. Even though I generally don't like my Tasi, Losinge (who I've been longing to trade.) I can't help but want a good amount for him,and not even in a way to just get the best out of the trade. Like, I just want to know that someone I'm trading him would work hard enough to give a pet that they had equal love for so that they could love him with that same amount of gratitude. Like they earned it, and would have more attachment towards him because they trade their best/ favorite pet for him. Even though I never felt that much for him, it would make me happy to see him in a good home that someone would generally care about him. That probably sounds super cheesy, right? But I honestly get this attached most of the time to my pets, virtual or not.

Now, I'm not quite sure what you'd want for Tooth or would like for him, like I said, I get extremely attached to the pets I own. To the point where I get dorky and draw them in little scenes and give them some sort of personality and background. So all I can really say is I would be absolutely overjoyed to have Tooth apart of my Marapet family and probably wouldn't trade them because gosh isn't he a perfect babe, and he'd maybe help me achieve that obsessive need to dress-up a pet in the Ice cream costume?
As much as I hate seeing people ether trading/ changing the costume of an application pet, I think the Ice cream costume would really suit him well. C:> Hopefully that doesn't make me sounds like a butt for wanting to change his costume he really is fantastic. If you'd prefer me to not, I would follow your wishes for it!

tldr; I'm a huge dork and I would screech like a pterodactyl if I ever won the cutie and you would have to forgive me if this app was super long and boring.So uh, forgiveness?:


Maybe him in the future? Nah, probably not aha. Even if I don't win him, I truly hope you find him a good home and that you keep on being awesome! So go kick that two year ahead of you's butt C:< !

  1. Pet Trades
    5th Dec 2023 09:05
    1 year, 2 months & 18 days ago
  2. Pet Goals - 10 Years later
    12th Oct 2023 07:54
    1 year, 4 months & 11 days ago
  3. Dream pets/Goals
    9th May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Art Commissions
    3rd May 2013 19:36
    11 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  5. Application for Tooth
    1st May 2013 18:49
    11 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
    5th May 2009 15:38
    15 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
  7. "Angel egg has now been sent to midnight sunrise"
    22nd Apr 2009 18:38
    15 years & 10 months ago