12 years, 9 months & 1 day ago

9th Jun 2012 09:07
6/9/12 - 1 - Encyclopedia K (Owned it)
6/10/12 - 2 - Yakubi Book (Owned it)
6/11/12 - 3 - Encyclopedia E (Owned it)
6/11/12 - 4 - Book of Time (Owned it)
6/12/12 - 5 - Grint Book (Owned it)
6/13/12 - 6 - Ushunda Book (Owned it)
6/14/12 - 7 - Encyclopedia H (Owned it)
6/14/12 - 8 - Ushunda Book (Owned it)
6/15/12 - 9 - Encyclopedia X (Owned it)
6/16/12 - 10 - Encyclopedia F (779 MP)
6/16/12 - 11 - Doyle Book (Owned it)
6/17/12 - 12 - Halloween Clothing Guide (380 MP)
6/17/12 - 13 - Earth Spell Book (Owned it)
6/18/12 - 14 - Book of Death (Owned it)
6/19/12 - 15 - Rofling Book (Owned it)
6/19/12 - 16 - Become a Healer (1,450 MP)
6/20/12 - 17 - Balloon Collecting Guide (Owned it)
6/21/12 - 18 - Flying with Walee Book (1,000 MP)
6/22/12 - 19 - 1000 Leagues Up Book (2,555 MP)
6/23/12 - 20 - Reese Book (Owned it)
6/24/12 - 21 - Living in Prison Guide (12,899 MP)
6/24/12 - 22 - Summer Book (1,400 MP)
6/25/12 - 23 - 1000 Leagues Up Book (Owned it)
6/25/12 - 24 - Encyclopedia N (Owned it)
6/26/12 - 25 - Book of Daggers (1 MP)
6/27/12 - 26 - Equilor Book (Owned it)
6/28/12 - 27 - Encyclopedia M (Owned it)
6/28/12 - 28 - Blizzard Book (2,500 MP)
6/29/12 - 29 - Successful Trading Book (2,400 MP)
6/29/12 - 30 - Photo Album (1,580 MP)
Pure MP gained from Tarquin: 346,650 MP
Spent total: 21,944 MP
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Halloween Poera Potion and 100,000MP!!