17 years, 9 months & 14 days ago

28th May 2007 19:56
No offence to under 18's but if you are just trying to get a collection of marapals...I'm not interested.If you really want to chat,then mail me and we can talk.Otherwise i really don'y appreciate being harassed.Sorry it's getting frustrating..I'm just here to have fun!
17 years, 10 months & 4 days ago

7th May 2007 14:38
Well today was a good day for getting avies! I accumulated 16 new ones! Yahoo.Nothing good from that plushie machine.I won a couple contests in my club.Yeh! ATM rocks!
17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago

3rd May 2007 15:01
Well lets see..Today I got 10 new Avies!Yah.Thanx entirely to MoonbeanRyder.Thanx soo much girl.Played the slots and only managed 100mps..Booo....Got nothing worthwhile out of the plushie machine..what else is new.Just going to have to keep saving for the good ones.