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Gigantic Paradise
At the end of the rainbow in Gigantic Paradise sits a gigantic Pot of Gold filled with items. Most of these items are donated by generous players. The not so generous Scrooge also donates items here. Ever wondered what happened to those items you accidently drop around Marada? Items lost from Random Events go straight to the Pot of Gold too!

You can also view Prizes Won here and the High Scores List for those who donated the most items.

Players with fewer than 1,000,000MP can visit for FREE once every hour otherwise it's every 2 hours
Pot of Gold

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Where should items you donate/delete go?

These items were just won at the Pot of Gold
Kamilah Codes Potato
Peasant Fairy Tile
Pastel Green Lipstick
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Kamilah Codes Gumball
Empty Diet Tomato Soda
Theres Something about Doyles
Tanning Salon Coupon
Purple Spobble Plate
Skyscraper Stamp
Green Equilor Plushie
Purple Yakubi Plushie
Fancy Ercuw Plushie
Pot of Silver Paint Stamp
How to Reunite
Milk Chocolate Gumball
Lush Lake Ticket
Plastic Surgery Coupon
Olive Grint Plushie
Mint Chocolate Murfin
Injured Renat Plushie
Kidlet Action Figure
Quail with Potato
Cherry Milkshake
Chicken Breast Quarter
Scrooge Stamp
Bonus Clothing 42
Tanning Salon Coupon
Injured Addow Plushie
Obese Fairy Trading Card
Ghost Addow Stamp
Eleka Tombola Stamp
Green AAAA Battery
Orange Gonk Plushie
Bacon Egg Bagel
Coral AAAA Battery
Spider Solitaire Chain
Rainbow Striped Balloon
Sir Quackers Plate
Purple Ideus Photo
Transubstantiation Stamp
Yakubi Voodoo Doll
Crusty Blueberry Bread
Deluxe Strawberry Ice Cream
Marshmallow Ghosts
Beige Long Worm
Lush Lake Ticket
Winter Blue Eye Make Up Powder