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Minipet Island
Lin the Panda Mordo is known as Mother Mordo, having more Mordo children than any other mother in Marada. Bringing these on a Minipet Island vacation is not easy. She is here to relax with a Tropical Punch so she lets them run wild on the beach and have fun. The vacation is over and it's now time to head home but several of her baby Mordos are hiding in bubbles.

Shoot and match each coloured bubble to clear and save the Mordos. The less bubbles you use, the more points you will earn. You must earn three stars to complete a level.

There are 24 levels to complete and you will win these Level Reward Prizes the first and only time you complete each level. You must send score when you complete a level to unlock the next level and receive your prize. Level rewards include the chance to skip any level of the Priscilla mission. These allow you to skip any level of the his mission you are about to fail, passing the level without having to bring him the items he requested but you will forfeit any prize for this level.

Earn 1MP per 1 points. Earn up to the maximum of 2,000MP each play.

You can play Mother Mordo up to 3 times per day for FREE. Game resets at 00:00MST. Here is the Prize List

Stuck on a level?

Use Mother Mordo Compass item to skip it
Earn 1MP per 1 Points
2,000MP max per play
0 / 3
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Resets at 00:00MST
in 9 hours and 33 minutes
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