[e] Do you have a mix of two costumes, but only want one costume? Here's want you can do... Example;; 2a, 2b, 1c. Answer the question you have 1 of, in this case, 1c, and only choose between the other 2, in this case, it would be a and b. :]
1.You're Favourite Colour Out Of The Following Is... a)White! b)Black! c)Green! d)Pink! e)Gold!
2.You're Favourite Place In Marada Is... a)Gigantic Paradise! b)Eleka's Castle! c)Puchala Village! d)Slater Park! e)Baspinar's Castle!
3.One Word That Fits You Best... a)Loyal. b)Evil. c)Happy. d)Perfect. e)Best.
5.Pick A Zodiac Sign... a)Gemini b)Saggitarius c)Cancer d)Capricorn e)Aries
ANSWERS... Mostly a's... You are an Angel Costume! You're as sweet as anyone can imagine. You sometimes let your feelings show, which is okay, but sometimes they show too much! [img]http://marauploads.com/KittyCat629/angelcostume.PNG[/img]
Mostly b's... You are a Dark Costume! You can be evil sometimes, but, you're a really nice person when someone comes around that and see's the real you! [img]http://marauploads.com/KittyCat629/darkcostume.PNG[/img]
Mostly c's... You are a Funky Costume! You're always happy and giggly, people love to be around you! Sometimes people will get mad at you for no reason, but you ignore them because that's who you are. [img]http://marauploads.com/KittyCat629/funkycostume.PNG[/img]
Mostly d's... You are a Love Costume! You're super loveable, everyone loves you! You're a kind, caring person with loads of friends! Some you might not even know about! [img]http://marauploads.com/KittyCat629/lovecostume.PNG[/img]
Mostly e's... You are a Gold Costume! You love winning, however, sometimes it gets to your head and your friends will get dissapointed in you, but they always come back to you. [img]http://marauploads.com/KittyCat629/goldcostume.PNG[/img]
116 years, 4 months & 14 days ago 27th Oct 2008 15:02
Mostly d's... You are a Love Costume! You're super loveable, everyone loves you! You're a kind, caring person with loads of friends! Some you might not even know about!
116 years, 4 months & 14 days ago 27th Oct 2008 12:44
i am an Angel Costume
116 years, 4 months & 15 days ago 26th Oct 2008 22:21
I'm a FUNKY COSTUME awesome!
116 years, 4 months & 16 days ago 25th Oct 2008 23:51
B, B, D, D, D
Love Costume!
116 years, 4 months & 16 days ago 25th Oct 2008 06:33
Cool i'm a funky costume
116 years, 4 months & 17 days ago 24th Oct 2008 02:24
funkay costumeeee
116 years, 4 months & 19 days ago 22nd Oct 2008 02:26
i got b
116 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 21st Oct 2008 16:26
cool i'm a dark cossie
116 years, 4 months & 21 days ago 21st Oct 2008 00:40