Pets for Trade... (and trades made)
17 years & 2 months ago
Portaling Graycin at this time.
FOR TRADE: (NONE right now)
Kiawah (my first pet, stats, job, books, dvds, cd, in temple)
Ristone (my dream pet, statting, job)
Sylestia (statting, instruments, job, battle pet)
Firoze (my absolute dreampet! Not a chance! stats, job)
Zephren (too beooouuutiful to trade!
Taysie (starting to stat, job)
Akilina (stats, job, school)
Arkala (stats, job)
Sivani (will be voodoo ercuw)
Graycin (temple~will be ice rofling)
Sydny (Do not even ask!
Keleiyne- started red fassie, turned blue poera, traded for Ristone, Resolo and Esyi.
Esyi- received as gold fassie, portaled to shaved fassie, statted and then traded for Kelyin (Blue Daisy)
Zomira- started as checkered Leido, changed to orange Huthiq and statted, then traded for Amoira (prison Zoink) and Zaerdra (red Zoink).
Zaerdra- red Zoink traded for Gillgamesh (plushie Huthiq) and green grint (Hearer42444446- pounded grint)
Gaelous- received as chocolate fassie, statted to 40, then traded for Taysie.
Gillgamesh- gave away to Maelovent just because.
Zyhira- started as snowy addow (for goals), statted to 5 and portaled to love bolimo, traded for Zepeline.
Yalini- started as blue fasoro, portaled to witch jessup, then given away.
Zepeline- gave away just because I like to.
Kelyin- cossied to recycled, statted to 30 and traded for Khione.
Kaynia- created, portaled to seasonal ushunda and given away.
Amoira and Khione- traded for Kieirae
Sirrani- created, portaled to light azul and given away.
Saumyi- created, portaled to love fassie and given away.
Syrisha- created, portaled to camo gonk and given away.
Syrisha~ (portaled to camo gonk) traded for Korein.
Korein~ gave away.
Sarrani~ portaled to love xoi, gave away
Resolo~ job,statted to 55+ and traded for Amyrlin (or. chibs) and Nytrogen (pur. oglue).
Yidoshu & Kieirae traded for Olysia.
Zorkyn~ created, portaled to ninja equilor and given away.
Nytrogen~ traded for Akilina (was statted nonLE)
Khriatos~ Portaled to love grint and gave away.
Nazeeya~ created for goals, portaled to water paffuto and gave away.
Luccilliah (stats, job) traded for Cev
Olysia (stats, job) traded for Oriiah
Isyanti~ portaled to eleka gonk and given away.
Ceva~ lightning poera, given away.
Xeriyah~ portaled to chocolate fassie and given away.
Zahyra~ portaled to mermaid jessup and given away.
Oriiah and Azhani for Zephren.
Potalas~ (215+ statted) given to Baz, happy battling!