Here's a little fun before Tweetly arrives on Thanksgiving.
Unscramble the 15 Thanksgiving and Marapets words below and then send me a Maramail with your answers. Everyone who unscrambles all 15 correctly will receive a random prize from my attic.
Prizes include plushies, photos, plates, hieroglyphics, toy blocks, gourmet food, and more.
Hieroglyphic U has been sent to Gold
Goblin Yuni Photo has been sent to TazLuvr
Undying Fairy Poera Photo has been sent to Cygnet
Pink Snowman Plate has been sent to PsionStar
Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner has been sent to nicecat2
Blue Crikilor Plate has been sent to jello_quean
Slicked Back Wig has been sent to Serenitea